Wa Quotes

Text Quotes
God has great things in store for us, but we have to keep moving forward to get where He wants us to be (Wa Quotes)
I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was (Wa Quotes)
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing things will never be the same (Wa Quotes)
But what I hope for from a book - either one that I write or one that I read - is transparency. I want the story to shine through. I don't want to think of the writer (Wa Quotes)
This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called "woman", for she was taken out of man (Wa Quotes)
My goal is not to wake up at 40 with the bitter realization that I've wasted my life in a job I hate, because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens (Wa Quotes)
I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry (Wa Quotes)
In relationship, always remember: When the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of letting go, it's time to let go (Wa Quotes)
Acceptance doesn't mean resignation. It means understanding that something is what it is and that there's got to be a way through it (Wa Quotes)
Never forget yesterday, but always live for today. You never know what tomorrow can bring, or what it can take away (Wa Quotes)
I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it's not, it's to end up with people who make you feel all alone (Wa Quotes)
I'm learning how to be okay without you, and I can't wait for the day when I get to look at you and feel absolutely nothing (Wa Quotes)
Let it ever be remembered that genuine faith in Christ will ever be productive of good works; for this faith worketh by love, as the apostle says, and love to God always produces obedience to his holy laws (Wa Quotes)
If you go forward in the spirit of the original apostles and followers of Jesus Christ, trusting not in man but in the living God, he will enable you to pull down the strong holds of sin and Satan, and that work by which he is pleased will prosper in your hands (Wa Quotes)
Surely God would not have created such a being as man, with an ability to grasp the infinite, to exist only for a day! No, no, man was made for immortality (Wa Quotes)
I was losing interest in politics, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused me again. What I have done since then is pretty well known (Wa Quotes)
From an early age I didn't buy into the value systems of working hard in a nine to five job. I thought creativity, friendship and loyalty and pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable was much more interesting (Wa Quotes)
We're all damaged in our own way. Nobody's perfect. I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us (Wa Quotes)
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world (Wa Quotes)
As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular (Wa Quotes)
I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself (Wa Quotes)
One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation (Wa Quotes)
There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it (Wa Quotes)
When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is (Wa Quotes)
Why don't you tell me that "if the girl had been worth having she'd have waited for you?" No, sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody (Wa Quotes)
There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up (Wa Quotes)
A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. Its beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is. It has nothing to do with the fact that other people want what they want (Wa Quotes)
I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being (Wa Quotes)
Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in our troubled world (Wa Quotes)
Ninety five percent of people who walk the Earth are simply inert. One percent are saints, and one percent are assholes. The other three percent are people who do what they say they can do (Wa Quotes)