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Waft Quotes

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To waft a feather or to drown a fly  (Waft Quotes) Ocean into tempest wrought, to waft a feather, or to drown a fly  (Waft Quotes) A waft of sweet hash drifted by, and I wanted to float after it like Wimpy levitating at the scent of a hamburger  (Waft Quotes) Away with her, and waft her hence to France. And now what rests but that we spend the time with stately triumphs, mirthful comic shows, such as befits the pleasure of the court? Sound drums and trumpets! Farewell sour annoy! For here I hope begins our lasting joy  (Waft Quotes) A southern moon is a sodden moon, and sultry. When it swamps the fields and the rustling sandy roads and the sticky honeysuckle hedges in its sweet stagnation, your fight to hold on to reality is like a protestation against a first waft of ether  (Waft Quotes) The flowers never waste their sweetness on the desert air or, for that matter, on the jungle air. In fact, they waste it only when nobody except a human being is there to smell it. It is for the bugs and a few birds, not for men, that they dye their petals or waft their scents  (Waft Quotes) Seas roll to waft me, suns to light me rise; My footstool earth, my canopy the skies  (Waft Quotes) One of my principal childhood memories is hearing one of the Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies waft throughout the house.  (Waft Quotes)