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Wait Quotes

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Don't wait for the right person to come into your life. Be the right person in come into someone else's life  (Wait Quotes) Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work  (Wait Quotes) I can't wait until I can use the heat as an excuse not to get any exercise  (Wait Quotes) As a kid, you can't wait to grow up. As an adult, you wish you were a kid again  (Wait Quotes) It's like you wait until I'm happy again, and then you decide to walk right back into my life  (Wait Quotes) They say good things come to those who wait, so i'm going to be about an hour late  (Wait Quotes) If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure  (Wait Quotes) Surely the best way to meet the enemy is head on in the field and not wait till they plunder our very homes  (Wait Quotes) Life keeps going. You think it'll stop, wait for you to be done crying, but it just keeps moving. Don't spend your time looking back. You don't want to miss what's ahead  (Wait Quotes) It's never good to sit around and wait for someone or something to change your life. That's why women like Gloria Steinem are burning their bras and marching on Washington  (Wait Quotes) If you wait to be acted upon, you will be acted upon. And growth and opportunity consequences attend either road  (Wait Quotes) Find the best in everybody. Wait long enough, and people will surprise and impress you. It might even take years, but people will show you their good side. Just keep waiting  (Wait Quotes) Anybody can get chewed out. It's the rare person who says, oh my god, you were right. As opposed to, no wait, the reason is... We've all heard that  (Wait Quotes) Don't envy men because they seem to have a run of luck, since luck's a nine day's wonder. Wait their end  (Wait Quotes) I knew that, and still it surprised me. How long I was willing to wait for something that was only a possibility  (Wait Quotes) When you lose someone you love, you die too, and you wait around for your body to catch up  (Wait Quotes) Fear sits and smiles and is predatory, immobile and silent and serene; an observer who conserves his energy and is content to wait  (Wait Quotes) It was his opinion that a man had to wait until he was dead to know the meaning of God, unless he happened to have known the sea in his youth  (Wait Quotes) The lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the lord  (Wait Quotes) Whoa! Wait a minute! Are you trying to say that God gets frustrated? Who do you suppose invented frustration? And do you imagine that you can experience something I cannot?  (Wait Quotes) God doesn't wait for us to get ourselves polished, shined, proper, and without blemish - God comes to us and meets us and blesses us while we are still in the middle of the mess we created  (Wait Quotes) All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth  (Wait Quotes) Yet we can't wait for the undamaged to make our connections for us; we can't wait to speak until we are wholly clear and righteous. There is no purity, and, in our lifetimes, no end to this process  (Wait Quotes) Just wait and see, Charlie Brown. I'll see the Great Pumpkin. I'll See the Great Pumpkin! Just you wait, Charlie Brown. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I'll be waiting for him  (Wait Quotes) Not everyone can wait: neither the sated nor the satisfied nor those without respect can wait. The only ones who can wait are people who carry restlessness around with them  (Wait Quotes) Daddy gave me real useful information to protect me in the real world. If anyone hits me, I'm not to hit them back. I wait until their back is turned, then hit them in the head with a brick  (Wait Quotes) The root of all virtue and grace, of all faith and acceptable worship, is that we know that we have nothing but what we receive, and bow in deepest humility to wait upon God for it  (Wait Quotes) Don't wait for things to be perfect before you share them with others. Show early and show often. It'll be pretty when we get there, but it won't be pretty along the way  (Wait Quotes) Incidentally, why was it that none of all the pious ever discovered psycho analysis? Why did it have to wait for a completely godless Jew?  (Wait Quotes) I keep the subject of my inquiry constantly before me, and wait till the first dawning opens gradually, by little and little, into a full and clear light  (Wait Quotes)
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