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Wait Quotes

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You wait for nothing if not for the word that will burst from the deep like a fruit among branches  (Wait Quotes) Life is a wheel, and if you wait long enough, it always comes back around to where it started  (Wait Quotes) If the audience knows you can be funny when you want to be, they will be willing to wait for that payoff  (Wait Quotes) I live in a room and I go to work and I play a game called getting through the day while you wait for the night  (Wait Quotes) You wait for the war to happen like vultures. If you want to help, prevent the war. Don’t save the remnants. Save them all  (Wait Quotes) Oh, she takes care of herself. She can wait if she wants. She’s ahead of her time. Oh, and she never gives out. And she never gives in. She just changes her mind  (Wait Quotes) If you want a recipe for relationship failure, just wait for the other person to change first  (Wait Quotes) I just remembered that I’m absent minded... wait, I mean I lost my mind, I can’t find it  (Wait Quotes) The older you get, the more you have to talk about, and music is a really good outlet. I’ve chilled on it a little bit, and I can’t wait to see what I’m going to step into, now that I have this collection of things  (Wait Quotes) A lot of us simply disengaged from politics altogether, but then we woke up and went wow, wait a minute. Why does that insane conversation get to dominate? Who made those people the creators of the conversation? And how can we start a new one?  (Wait Quotes) Be impatient. All things don’t come to those who wait. Push on with what you believe because life is very short  (Wait Quotes) Every party is the same, too many people, too little food, and you have to wait around. I’m extremely bored with parties  (Wait Quotes) I sometimes say that success just happens. That’s not true. You have to make it happen. When I make up my mind to do something, I make sure it happens. You can’t wait for the phone to ring. You have to ring them  (Wait Quotes) But, come to think of it, there was no need to wait. Time travelers don’t have to wait for anybody  (Wait Quotes) It requires strength of character in order to think and to act in opposite fashion from the crowd and also patience to wait for opportunities that may be spaced years apart  (Wait Quotes) I’m always waiting for you, hoping that you’ll be really interested, that you’ll try completely. In every life I wait for you. I’ve always been waiting and I always will  (Wait Quotes) I don’t think you have to wait for knowledge and balance to come before you seek power because you need a certain amount of power to gain knowledge and balance  (Wait Quotes) Were it possible for us to wait for ourselves to come into the room, not many of us would find our hearts breaking into flower as we heard the door handle turn  (Wait Quotes) I don’t like to be on a set and wait three hours, just to make some lighting adjustments. I like to shoot. That’s what I want to do. I’d rather shoot something dumb than wait  (Wait Quotes) I don’t have a set pattern. I take things as they come. Usually with a great amount of relish. I just lay back and wait for it to happen. And it usually does  (Wait Quotes) Why wait for the loss of hearing to appreciate sound? Turn off the white noise of your thoughts and start to listen  (Wait Quotes) I want to wait to have sex until I’m married. I do. I want to wait, but it’s hard. I just want to live my life  (Wait Quotes) I can’t wait fifteen years to do my work: Because my ideas are coming now  (Wait Quotes) You have the freedom, ability and authority to love your life. Just be you, then wait  (Wait Quotes) My job is to defeat the guy in front of me, do it until he quits, and then wait for them to send in the next guy  (Wait Quotes) Women tend to be conservative in youth and get more radical as they get older because they lose power with age. So, if a young woman is not a feminist, I say, just wait  (Wait Quotes) The obligation to express gratitude deepens with procrastination. The longer you wait, the more effusive must be the thanks  (Wait Quotes) That’s the great thing about a sense of humor and a sex drive, you can’t wait to share it with everybody else  (Wait Quotes) It is the nature of those books we call classics to wait patiently on the shelf for us to grow into them  (Wait Quotes) I had a very pleasant evening, however, though you will probably find out that there was no particular reason for it; but I do not think it worthwhile to wait for enjoyment until there is some real opportunity for it  (Wait Quotes)
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