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Wait Quotes

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My box bedroom can only fit a bed and a wardrobe but it was my whole world. My only personal space to think and dream, to cry and laugh and wait until I became old enough to do all the things I wasn’t allowed to do  (Wait Quotes) Some stories wait their turn to be told, others just tap you on the shoulder and insist you tell them  (Wait Quotes) Why don’t you ever wait a second and see what I’m planning, or thinking, before you burst in with your opinions and ideas? You never even give me a chance  (Wait Quotes) Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goals, if he is able to think, if he is able to wait, if he is able to fast  (Wait Quotes) He tried to tell me week after week to accept things as they were and move on with my life. But if there was one man who had put his life on hold to wait for something or someone, it was him  (Wait Quotes) I am not to speak to you, I am to think of you when I sit alone or wake at night alone, I am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you again, I am to see to it that I do not lose you  (Wait Quotes) A person could leave you so quickly. So much history and time and memories, but they snuck away from you, and other things took their place. How could you hold on? Wait. A bigger question. The biggest. How could you hold on and let go?  (Wait Quotes) Love ambushed you, it lay in wait, dormant for days or years. It was the red thread, the peach stone, the kiss, the forgiveness. It came after you, it escaped you, it was invisible, it was everything  (Wait Quotes) She knew what it was to wait for someone who would never come home. She knew that grief, like a scar, faded but never really went away  (Wait Quotes) When we feel weak, all we have to do is wait a little while. The spring returns and the winter snows melt and fill us with new energy  (Wait Quotes) Contentment and happiness didn’t exist in my life for more than a few moments at a time, and they were really only illusionary. There was always something hidden. Lying in wait to spring up and ruin everything  (Wait Quotes) When you consider it from a human perspective, and clearly it would be difficult for us to do otherwise, life is an odd thing. It couldn’t wait to get going, but then, having gotten going, it seemed in very little hurry to move on  (Wait Quotes) I want to see you again tonight. But I’m willing to wait all night and much of tomorrow  (Wait Quotes) Some people fall apart when they get hurt. Puddle into apathy and despair and never recover. They wait all their lives for someone to come along and rescue them  (Wait Quotes) No doubt our love was still there, but quite simply it was unusable, heavy to carry, inert inside of us, sterile as crime or condemnation. It was no longer anything except a patience with no future and a stubborn wait  (Wait Quotes) I was made and meant to look for you and wait for you and become yours forever  (Wait Quotes) It’s only because I’ve lived with brothers that I realize, after a moment, that he’s not looking outside but rather inside, wrestling with something inside himself. And there’s nothing for it but to wait  (Wait Quotes) I’ve wanted to go out with you from the first moment I saw you. I just had to wait until you were ready  (Wait Quotes) I guess it’s true what they say: if you wait long enough everything changes  (Wait Quotes) I never pump up my vulgarity. I wait for it to arrive in its own terms  (Wait Quotes) What I do know is that if we are born again, I will meet you in another life, and if there is a river, you will wait on the shores for me to come to you, so that we can cross together  (Wait Quotes) The servants must wait like ninjas for me to leave so they could render this place spotless again  (Wait Quotes) We are healed to help others. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are saved to serve, not to sit around and wait for heaven  (Wait Quotes) I don’t move. I wait behind my log, terrified. Over the past ten minutes, it’s become such a dear friend, I consider naming it: Howard, my pet log  (Wait Quotes) Because my life isn’t going to wait around while I figure out how to make it work  (Wait Quotes) It would be a miracle to solve this case. Luckily, I believed in miracles. No, wait, that was testicles. I believed in testicles  (Wait Quotes) You have so much inside you, and the noblest happiness of all. Don’t just wait for a man to come along. That’s the mistake so many women make. Find your happiness in yourself  (Wait Quotes) Time and tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of 30  (Wait Quotes) I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person  (Wait Quotes) One must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day was; one cannot judge life until death  (Wait Quotes)
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