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Wait Quotes

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You can raise the bar or you can wait for others to raise it, but it’s getting raised regardless  (Wait Quotes) Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do whatever you can. Build your hope on none  (Wait Quotes) They will wait, well disposed, for others to remedy evil, that they may no longer have have it to regret  (Wait Quotes) Patience is not just about waiting for something... it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting  (Wait Quotes) We don’t have to wait for something nice to happen to us, we can be aggressive and do something nice for ourselves  (Wait Quotes) The fruit falls from the tree when it gets ripe. So wait for the time to come. Do not hurry. Moreover, no one has the right to make others miserable by his foolish acts. Wait, have patience, everything will come right in time  (Wait Quotes) Is your company so small you have to do everything for yourself? Wait until you’re so big that you can’t. That’s worse  (Wait Quotes) The future is literally in our hands to mold as we like. But we cannot wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is now  (Wait Quotes) It is assumed that the woman must wait, motionless, until she is wooed. That is how the spider waits for the fly  (Wait Quotes) Patience as we wait to take action is a kind of compassionate mind. Impatience on the other hand can be a source of failure  (Wait Quotes) The idea is to just stop. Just wait. Don’t react. Therein lies the whole universe. Just don’t react  (Wait Quotes) Don’t wait around for someone else to tell your story. Do it yourself by whatever means necessary  (Wait Quotes) If you wait for a perfect church, you must wait until you get to heaven; and even if you could find a perfect assembly on earth, I am sure they would not admit you to their fellowship, for you are not perfect yourself  (Wait Quotes) My advice is not to wait to be struck by an idea. If you’re a writer, you sit down and damn well decide to have an idea. That’s the way to get an idea  (Wait Quotes) You cannot wait for someone to save you, to help you, to complete you. No one can complete you. You complete yourself  (Wait Quotes) If you wait until your motives are pure and unselfish before you do something, you will wait forever  (Wait Quotes) Do what’s right, first. Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to do the right thing first  (Wait Quotes) Today I will not wait for someone to come to my aid. I’m not helpless. Although help may come, I’m my own rescuer. My relationships will dramatically improve when I stop rescuing others and stop expecting others to rescue me  (Wait Quotes) Do not wait another day to become fully engaged in your life, to learn to love and to forgive, and to live with greater purpose and meaning  (Wait Quotes) To wait is not to sit with folded hands, but to learn to do what we are told  (Wait Quotes) I do not agree with a big way of doing things. What matters is the individual. If we wait till we get numbers, then we will be lost in the numbers and we will never be able to show that love and respect for the person  (Wait Quotes) Don’t wait until you feel like taking positive action. Take the action and then you will feel like doing it  (Wait Quotes) We are the makers of our own state and... individuals who realize the fact need not, ought not, to wait for collective action  (Wait Quotes) Wait for the idea. It may not come at first, but you must be patient, never doubting, waiting in faith. It will come  (Wait Quotes) You can’t wait for the perfect situation. Find something you love. People you love. And get out there and you’ll discover it  (Wait Quotes) It is a danger to wait around for an idea to occur to you. You have to find the idea  (Wait Quotes) If you wait for perfect conditions to seize an opportunity, you’ll be waiting till the day you die  (Wait Quotes) Each time a swarm of worries invades your mind, refuse to be affected; wait calmly, while seeking the remedy. Spray the worries with the powerful chemical of your peace  (Wait Quotes) The purpose of meditation is to stop thinking for a time, wait for the fog of thought to thin, and glimpse the spirit within  (Wait Quotes) People wait until late in their career to give back. But why wait when there is so much to be done?  (Wait Quotes)
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