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Waiting Quotes

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I can imagine few things more trying to the patience than the long wasted days of waiting  (Waiting Quotes) Every time you have to come up with a new body of work for a new show, you’re aware that people are just ready to rip you apart, they’re just waiting for you to fall or make the slightest trip up  (Waiting Quotes) When we started the band, it was because we were waiting for a sound that never happened. We got tired of waiting, and we decided to just do it ourselves  (Waiting Quotes) No collection of people who are all waiting for the same thing are capable of holding a natural conversation. Even if the thing they are waiting for is only a taxi  (Waiting Quotes) My school was six miles away from where I lived on the farm. I had to walk and run, there and back every day, through gorges and over rivers. If I was late, there was a very big stick waiting for me  (Waiting Quotes) It’s odd how people waiting for you stand out far less clearly than people you are waiting for  (Waiting Quotes) For hundreds of years people have talked about artists having inspiration, but often, some persons would say, write us a symphony or write us a song, on commission. The artists would come up with a masterpiece without waiting to have their muse inspire them  (Waiting Quotes) I was darkly convinced that at age 52 I would kill myself because my mother committed suicide at that age. I was fantasizing that she was waiting for me on the other side of the grave  (Waiting Quotes) Every day I lugged my backpack through the halls, waiting for the final bell. Then I’d race home and hole up in my room, playing the drums and the piano, composing music  (Waiting Quotes) Never was a faithful prayer lost. Some prayers have a longer voyage than others, but then they return with their richer lading at last, so that the praying soul is a gainer by waiting for an answer  (Waiting Quotes) I mean, it’s been quite busy, especially with the rain delay the first few days, and then having to play the late evenings, waiting here every day. It’s been kind of difficult  (Waiting Quotes) The worst part was waiting around. Sometimes you are ready at 9 a.m. and you don’t start until the afternoon. Occupying your time while you wait is the hardest part of the movie  (Waiting Quotes) The thing I hated about it was that you live in your trailer all the time and then they call you and you do maybe two dozen lines. Then they do that for three hours and you wait and wait and wait, and I don’t like waiting  (Waiting Quotes) When I started working with mirrors, it seemed to be the perfect material to stand in for that waiting  (Waiting Quotes) In a world where discovery is more important than delivery, it’s the people who find, remix and direct attention to old stuff that should be rewarded, not the people who deliver it or sit on it waiting for someone to show up  (Waiting Quotes) No matter how great you are, the next great one is already sitting there waiting to take your place  (Waiting Quotes) Income from property is not the reward of waiting, it is the reward of employing a good stockbroker  (Waiting Quotes) We haven’t played that many of them because all our gear was over here waiting for us when we could get here. So we didn’t get to rehearse any of the new stuff, so we have planned to play 3 or 4 new ones  (Waiting Quotes) I honestly have no strategy whatsoever. I’m waiting for that script to pop through the letterbox and completely surprise me  (Waiting Quotes) Conservatives and liberals alike have been waiting for this moment for a third of a century  (Waiting Quotes) I wasn’t the kind of person that liked waiting for autographs or following them, I just liked to go to the shows, study their records, driving many, many hours to different states to go to concerts  (Waiting Quotes) Normal birth to me should not be numb from the waist down and waiting for the doctor to tell you to push. There’s a reason we feel it. There’s a reason we need to feel it  (Waiting Quotes) You know, if I tell the press that I like long blonde hair, the next day there will be girls with long hair wigs outside waiting for me  (Waiting Quotes) Right now music is more my outlet than acting, but I’m waiting for that one satisfying role  (Waiting Quotes) I suppose I was waiting until I was old enough to have some sort of experience to sing about. When you’re young, it’s hard to sing the blues. Nobody believes you  (Waiting Quotes) He’s looking for the president’s kidnapped daughter; everybody he calls on to help him is busy, but lo and behold, you look across the room, and I’m waiting for that action  (Waiting Quotes) The film world is a crazy place to be. You sit around all day waiting for the phone to ring. Are people talking about you or aren’t they?  (Waiting Quotes) I think that most writers who wait until they’re inspired to write are just waiting for the fear to subside  (Waiting Quotes) I don’t have a lot of stomach for people who don’t show up to a set knowing their lines because you’re keeping 150 people waiting  (Waiting Quotes) I love making money, but you can’t live your life waiting to get rich in a job that no longer feeds you artistically  (Waiting Quotes)
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