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Waiting Quotes

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Anna, falling in love with you was like coming home to a place I didn’t realize I’d been missing all my life. You’re the only person I’ve ever known who accepts me for who I am, right in this moment, faults and all, and isn’t waiting for me to become someone else  (Waiting Quotes) In life, a person will come and go from many homes. We may leave a house, a town, a room, but that does not mean those places leave us. Once entered, we never entirely depart the homes we make for ourselves in the world. They follow us, like shadows, until we come upon them again, waiting for us in the mist  (Waiting Quotes) If I’m going to spend the whole night waiting for you guys to stop flirting and shoot each other, I want to at least be entertained  (Waiting Quotes) I am waiting for the war to be fought which will make the world safe for anarchy  (Waiting Quotes) Sometimes I am afraid for people like you who have to know things. Your kind will dig and hunt and worry at it until one day you will find what is hidden, waiting for you  (Waiting Quotes) Something in my gut twisted so hard that it felt like I was being tickled by an invisible hand, and it took me a moment to realize what it was. Hope. It had been so long since I’d felt it that the sensation was like something living inside me, something wonderful waiting to break free, just like I was  (Waiting Quotes) How do you lose a word? Does it vanish into your memory, like an old toy in a cupboard, and lie hidden in the cobwebs and dust, waiting to be cleaned out or rediscovered?  (Waiting Quotes) Stop looking for the next secret door that is going to lead you to your real life. Stop waiting. This is it: there’s nothing else  (Waiting Quotes) Many of us would probably be better fishermen if we did not spend so much time watching and waiting for the world to become perfect  (Waiting Quotes) ... as your father, my instinct is to protect you... Other people will want to protect you too. But remember that you are not a damsel in distress, waiting for some prince to rescue you. Forget the prince. With your brain and your resourcefulness, you can rescue yourself  (Waiting Quotes) Maybe some are so busy waiting, they forget what indescribable beauty is right there in front of them  (Waiting Quotes) All that was left for me was a terrible kind of paralysis, this waiting game, this heartbreak game  (Waiting Quotes) The store of fairy tales, that blue chamber where stories lie waiting to be rediscovered, holds out the promise of just those creative enchantments, not only for its own characters caught in its own plotlines; it offers magical metamorphoses to the one who opens the door, who passes on what was found there, and to those who hear what the storyteller brings. The faculty of wonder, like curiosity can make things happen; it is time for wishful thinking to have its due  (Waiting Quotes) It wasn’t that I hated being asked a bunch of questions. I had nothing against questions. I just didn’t like listening to them, because some questions take forever to make sense. Sometimes waiting for a question to finish is like watching someone draw an elephant starting with the tail first. As soon as you see the tail your mind wanders all over the place and you think of a million other animals that also have tails until you don’t care about the elephant because it’s only one thing when you’ve been thinking about a million others  (Waiting Quotes) I suspected that there were things he knew that I had been waiting all my life to learn  (Waiting Quotes) I think so, too. I know I felt that way. For years. It was as if I was a character in a movie and the real action was about to start at any minute. But I think some people wait forever, and only at the end of their lives do they realize that their life has happened while they were waiting for it to start  (Waiting Quotes) We’re waiting for a glance or a word, some acknowledgement that we are here  (Waiting Quotes) On calm days, you always think you’ve conquered them. You think that in the end you’ve finally done them in. That you’ve got rid of them for good, now and forever. But that seldom happens. Most of the time, the demons are still there, lurking somewhere in the shadows. Tirelessly waiting for the moment when our guard drops. And when love goes away  (Waiting Quotes) Then I placed the blade next to the skin on my palm. A tingle arched across my scalp. The floor tipped up at me and my body spilled away. Then I was on the ceiling looking down, waiting to see what would happen next  (Waiting Quotes) ... you’re waiting because you thought it would follow, you thought there would be some logic, perhaps, something to pull it all together but here we are in the weeds again, here we are in the bowels of the thing: your world doesn’t make sense  (Waiting Quotes) Half an ear cocked, something in me, all night, every night, is waiting for you to come home  (Waiting Quotes) There’s a lot of good waiting for you on the other side of tired. Get yourself tired  (Waiting Quotes) Now, when their glances met, they understood one another. The power that lay within both their souls had met, and, as it were, clasped hands. They accepted one another’s sacrifice. Hers, mayhap, was the more complete of the two, because for her his absence would mean weary waiting, the dull heartache so terrible to bear  (Waiting Quotes) All right people, listen up! If you’ve got a family back home waiting for you or if you just want to save your own skin, turn around and walk away. Also, women! I have no intention of fighting any women!  (Waiting Quotes) Even while you are in doubt, there will be an answer you will arrive to. Even while you are in pain, your happiness will be waiting  (Waiting Quotes) Journeys end in lovers meeting; I have spent an all but sleepless night, I have told lies and made a fool of myself, and the very air tastes like wine. I have been frightened half out of my foolish wits, but I have somehow earned this joy; I have been waiting for it for so long  (Waiting Quotes) I feel claimed and bonded to him like animals do. I feel like I’ve already been caught and trapped and he’s merely priming me, leaving me to simmer in my juices, anxiously waiting for the moment when he takes his first bite of me  (Waiting Quotes) ... people made the imaginary real all the time: taking the music they heard in their head and recording it, seeing a house in their imagination and building it. Fantasy was always only a reality waiting to be switched on  (Waiting Quotes) You looked at me, your eyes huge. You we’re like a dog then, waiting for me to throw you a bone... waiting for something I could never give you  (Waiting Quotes) Sometimes, for a moment, everything is just as you need it to be. The memories of such moments live in the heart, waiting for the time you need to think of them, if only to remind yourself that for a short while, everything had been fine, and might be so again  (Waiting Quotes)
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