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Waiting Quotes

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Why does it have to be hard in life? I was waiting all through life for love. When I finally found it, it is far far away from where I am  (Waiting Quotes) When you approach the tabernacle remember that he has been waiting for you for twenty centuries  (Waiting Quotes) Sometimes we forget to be grateful until we survive a trauma. For example, after having the flu when you ache all over, throw up for hours, and have little people pounding in your head with hammers, it is sheer bliss just to eat a piece of toast, walk outside without getting dizzy, and breathe fresh air. Part of the journey toward joy involves not waiting around for trouble, but being continuously aware of our blessings  (Waiting Quotes) I was so shy. Instead of waiting in line with other kids at lunch, I’d go to a corner and buy a pretzel and orange juice. I think I had that for lunch the first three years of high school  (Waiting Quotes) Every relationship has tough days. Don’t let the grudge last. Be the first to try to make things right and stop waiting for an apology  (Waiting Quotes) Part of me is still waiting to grow up, to be an adult, and the other part knows there is no such thing  (Waiting Quotes) Mysteries lie all around us, even in the most familiar things, waiting only to be perceived  (Waiting Quotes) A lot of fans were drawn to me because they knew that whatever the score was, I was going to run as hard as I could on every play. You don’t have that now, you have guys waiting for next week or even next year  (Waiting Quotes) Without a rifle you are nothing, worthless, you are waiting for death, any minute, any second  (Waiting Quotes) The problem is that your brain can’t tell the difference between bad and good habits, and so if you have a bad one, it’s always lurking there, waiting for the right cues and rewards  (Waiting Quotes) And in that narrow cockpit I wept, as I shall never weep again, when I felt the concrete brush against his wheels and, with a great sweep of the wrist, dropped him on the ground like a cut flower. As always, I carefully cleared the engine, turned off all the switches one by one, removed the straps, the wires and the tubes which tied me to him, like a child to his mother. And when my waiting pilots and my mechanics saw my downcast eyes and my shaking shoulders, they understood and returned to the dispersal in silence  (Waiting Quotes) I am waiting for the day when I will see you again and hold your soft hands, touch your sweet lips and hug you tight so that you will never leave me again  (Waiting Quotes) It feels like some part of me that was curled down and waiting in the dark has risen, and now stands stretching and strong in the sunshine. I knew it  (Waiting Quotes) It was like the moment before you open a present, still hidden inside its box and wrappings; while you’re waiting to find out what it is, the eagerness and impatience and curiosity and anticipation grip you in an even stronger, more thrilling way than you feel after you find out what’s inside  (Waiting Quotes) Strength is taking charge of your own destiny and not waiting on others to do so. You don’t have to swear and drink and beat people up and slay monsters. You’re allowed to cry and take care of children and cook and get your heart broken and dress up and date and get pregnant. But when decisions have to be made, a strong character makes them and doesn’t wait for someone else  (Waiting Quotes) It’s exciting to take control of your future instead of waiting for the phone to ring  (Waiting Quotes) I’m always just waiting for someone to cut me off; I’m a chatty guy  (Waiting Quotes) I know who I am supposed to be with. Im just waiting until the time is right. I know what I want. I want to be so sure of everything in my life and be so good on my own that someone just comes in to compliment it. I want somebody who is happy. I don’t want to meet someone who needs me. I want someone who is good on his own  (Waiting Quotes) I can either cross the street, or I can keep waiting for another few years of green lights to go by  (Waiting Quotes) You’re adored and you’re talented and the world is waiting to see the results of hard work for the last year  (Waiting Quotes) It’s about misunderstandings between people and places, being disconnected and looking for moments of connection. There are so many moments in life when people don’t say what they mean, when they are just missing each other, waiting to run into each other in a hallway  (Waiting Quotes) The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which was then riding at anchor, and waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon connected with terror, when I was carried on board. I was immediately handled, and tossed up to see if I were sound, by some of the crew; and I was now persuaded that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits, and that they were going to kill me  (Waiting Quotes) Whoever you are, you are human. Wherever you are, you live in the world, which is just waiting for you to notice the holiness in it  (Waiting Quotes) And if I really can see the future, then what does it mean? Is there any sense in our lives if everything is already out there, just waiting to happen? For if that were so, then life would be a horrible monster indeed, with no chance of escape from fate, from destiny. It would be like reading a book, but reading it backwards, from the final chapter down to chapter one, so that the end is already known to you  (Waiting Quotes) Get out of bed, go to school, stick at school. Make it happen for yourself because those opportunities are waiting  (Waiting Quotes) Love is a publicity stunt, and making love, after the first curious raptures, is only another petulant way to pass the time waiting for the studio to call  (Waiting Quotes) I don’t know exactly where ideas come from, it’s just a matter of us figuring out how to receive the ideas waiting to be heard  (Waiting Quotes) It is always the first and last steps that are the hardest to take. We walk away and try not to turn back, or we stand just outside the gates, terrified to find what’s waiting for us now that we’ve returned. In between, we stumble blindly from one place and life to the next. We try to do the best we can. There are moments like this, however, when we are neither coming nor going, and all we have to do is sit and look back on the life we have made  (Waiting Quotes) You can shut out the world. But you always have to stop, and the world is always waiting when you do  (Waiting Quotes) I only ever take one picture of one thing. Literally. Never two. So then that picture is taken and then the next one is waiting somewhere else  (Waiting Quotes)
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