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Waiting Quotes

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You might have a warrior spirit in there somewhere, and it’s just waiting for the opportunity to come out. If you do, you might be a candidate for the pathway to enlightenment  (Waiting Quotes) The immortal silence is there always waiting for you and that spirit is deathless and courageous. Remember, many have trod the path that you are walking on and they succeeded. They were no better than you, no wiser  (Waiting Quotes) The light is not quantifiable. You experience it in meditation when thought stops. When you go beyond the limitations of the ego, the light is waiting for you  (Waiting Quotes) Everybody is in the waiting room of life. Yoga is not a waiting. It is a doing, today  (Waiting Quotes) Not only do these abominable weapons lie buried in silence and in their millions waiting to kill or maim innocent women and children; but the presence or even the fear of the presence of a single landmine can prevent the cultivation of an entire field, rob a whole village of its livelihood, place yet another obstacle on a country’s road to reconstruction and development  (Waiting Quotes) To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect  (Waiting Quotes) I think when you’ve had success, publishers and reviewers and readers are willing to let you try something new if you’ve already proven yourself. They’re excited about what you’re doing, you have people interested in it, and actually waiting for it. It’s empowering  (Waiting Quotes) Most of us are waiting. We’re waiting for something interesting to happen. And I think we’re going to wait forever if we don’t do something more interesting with our lives  (Waiting Quotes) I keep waiting for things to get back down to whelming, but they stay at overwhelming  (Waiting Quotes) Man, people have been waiting for me to fall off my whole career. From the first time I stepped on the court. It probably made people sick to their stomachs watching my whole career, watching the things that I’ve done in my career  (Waiting Quotes) That’s how life feels to me. Everyone is doing it; everyone knows how. To live and be who they are and find a place, find a moment. I’m still waiting  (Waiting Quotes) In early youth, as we contemplate our coming life, we are like children in a theatre before the curtain is raised, sitting there in high spirits and eagerly waiting for the play to begin. It is a blessing that we do not know what is really going to happen. Could we foresee it, there are times when children might seem like innocent prisoners, condemned, not to death, but to life, and as yet all unconscious of what their sentence means  (Waiting Quotes) In truth, our aliveness depends on our ability to sustain wonder: to lengthen the moments we are truly uncovered, to be still and quiet till all the elements of the earth and all the secrets of the oceans stir the aspects of life waiting within us  (Waiting Quotes) When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new  (Waiting Quotes) Life is all about finding yourself through experiences, and about learning more and more about who you are and what you’re capable of. If you’re getting older and not succeeding in anything or doing anything to make a positive impact on people, then you’re not living. You’re just waiting for death. Get out there and make an impact on people, whether it’s by helping them directly or by doing research to make their lives better or just by inspiring them. Do something good to be remembered for. This is more important than money  (Waiting Quotes) Deep in my heart I know my future soul mate is not waiting for me online  (Waiting Quotes) At its core, meditation is about touching the spiritual essence that exists within us all. Our spiritual essence is not something that we create through meditation it’s already there, deep within, behind all the barriers, patiently waiting for us to recognize it  (Waiting Quotes) The voice of wisdom is inherent within us and willing to guide us when we stop to listen. Of course, there are times when we feel we’ve been still as stone, and the still, small voice is still too quiet to hear. When this happens, the challenge is to practice quieting your mind anyway. Stopping and asking, quieting and listening, trusting and waiting. Waiting is difficult but worth the effort because a quiet, uncluttered mind is a natural antenna for whispers of wisdom from within  (Waiting Quotes) I’d love to travel more. I really look forward to traveling with my kids. I’m just waiting for them to want to travel with me  (Waiting Quotes) Without zest, what is life? Just waiting for death? It can’t be anything else. Only with zest do you live; otherwise you vegetate  (Waiting Quotes) I believe that dreams transport us through the underside of our days, and that if we wish to become acquainted with the dark side of what we are, the signposts are there, waiting for us to translate them  (Waiting Quotes) Nature won’t be summoned to order and won’t be kept waiting. It must be caught, well caught  (Waiting Quotes) I’ve hung around in absolute exhaustion and starvation waiting for an idea to hit, which might have been months. I’ve talked things over with editors, found out what they wanted, and when they wanted it delivered  (Waiting Quotes) In the rush of daily living it’s easy to forget all the remarkable people, real or fictional, who have been a part of your life. But if you just imagine they are near for a moment, you will realize that anyone who ever touched your heart is always with you, patiently waiting to emanate warmth and support whenever you remember to think of them  (Waiting Quotes) Luck is always waiting for something to turn up. Labor, with keen eyes and strong will, always turns up something. Luck lies in bed and wishes the postman will bring news of a legacy. Labor turns out at six o’clock and with busy pen or ringing hammer, lays the foundation of a competence. Luck whines. Labor whistles. Luck relies on chance, labor on character  (Waiting Quotes) The camera was waiting for me by predestination and I took to it as a musician takes to the piano or a painter to canvas. I found that I was master of the elements, that I could work miracles  (Waiting Quotes) If you create you will also wait, and while you’re waiting you will want to be patient but not idle... responses from the world often take a long time  (Waiting Quotes) There are so many things I could say about you but none of them can describe you fully. You are the beauty I was waiting for. The love of my life of whom I dreamed day and night  (Waiting Quotes) I never keep boys waiting. It’s a hard trial for a boy to wait  (Waiting Quotes) There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles, now what is our duty. To prepare tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime. It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can.This is the reason why the doctrine of plurality of wives was revealed, that the noble spirits which are waiting for tabernacles might be brought forth  (Waiting Quotes)
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