Waiting Quotes

Text Quotes
To take what there is in life and use it, without waiting forever in vain for the preconceived, to dig deep into the actual and get something out of that; this, doubtless, is the right way to live (Waiting Quotes)
Life’s greatest comfort is being able to look over your shoulder and see people worse off, waiting in line behind you (Waiting Quotes)
When I dream, I dream of him. For several nights now he’s come to me, waving from a distant shore as if he’s been waiting patiently for me to arrive. He doesn’t utter a word, but his smile says everything: I’ve missed you (Waiting Quotes)
... because he had been waiting for someone to come back to him, so every time someone knocked on the door, he couldn’t stop himself from hoping it might be that person, even though he knew he shouldn’t hope (Waiting Quotes)
Lena knew she had spent too much of her life in a state of passive dread, just waiting for something bad to happen. In a life like that, relief was as close as you got to happiness (Waiting Quotes)
We are like roses that have never bothered to bloom when we should have bloomed and it is as if the sun has become disgusted with waiting (Waiting Quotes)
Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting (Waiting Quotes)
At the core of every ordered system, whether a family or a factory, is chaos. But in the whirl of every chaos lies a strange order, waiting to be found (Waiting Quotes)
Im waiting, for what, my kind of people, what kind is that, I can tell my kind of people by their faces, by something in their faces (Waiting Quotes)
So the day became one of waiting, which was, he knew, a sin: moments were to be experienced; waiting was a sin against both the time that was still to come and the moments one was currently disregarding (Waiting Quotes)
There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer (Waiting Quotes)
When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I’ll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave (Waiting Quotes)
Now I was a tiger that neither pounced nor lay waiting between the trees. I became an unseen spirit (Waiting Quotes)
The first duty of the novelist is to entertain. It is a moral duty. People who read your books are sick, sad, traveling, in the hospital waiting room while someone is dying. Books are written by the alone for the alone (Waiting Quotes)
There’s nothing worse than waiting and not knowing what’ll happen to you. Your own imagination can be crueler than any captor (Waiting Quotes)
I suppose he’s making a real fashion statement, but this is high school. You’re not supposed to be real. You’re supposed to be enough like everyone else to get through and out into the waiting world (Waiting Quotes)
The next time you face a room full of strangers... you might tell yourself that some of them are just friends waiting to be found (Waiting Quotes)
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting, or being lied about, don’t deal in lies. Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, and yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise (Waiting Quotes)
I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables (Waiting Quotes)
Potentially evil. Potentially good, too, I suppose. Just this huge powerful potentiality waiting to be shaped (Waiting Quotes)
I didn’t think I belonged here in her world, a boy stuck between two lives, dragging the dangers of the wolves with me, but when she said my name, waiting for me to follow, I knew I’d do anything to stay with her (Waiting Quotes)
It’s you, so I feel that a person who will understand you, a person who will find you is waiting out there. So just keep on trying your best (Waiting Quotes)
There was nothing new in sitting on this dock, on this or that wooden bench, watching for his boat to come. In some ways, she was always waiting for him (Waiting Quotes)
People will listen to you only when they know you’re dying, otherwise they’re just waiting for their turn to talk (Waiting Quotes)
Fair as the moon and joyful as the light; Tot wan with waiting, not with sorrow dim; Not as she is, but was when hope shone bright; Not as she is, but as she fills his dreams (Waiting Quotes)
Here had lived someone else who knew that the only thing waiting at home was a sense of loneliness. Sometimes it is comforting. Most often, it isn’t (Waiting Quotes)
After you find out all the things that can go wrong, your life becomes less about living and more about waiting (Waiting Quotes)
Normally when a person has a stellar image another person’s waiting in the wings to tear them apart. They’re waiting for that one fatal flaw to expose itself (Waiting Quotes)
There are people I’ve yet to meet who are waiting for my path to intersect with theirs, so they can complete their own journeys. I don’t know who or where they are, but I know for certain that they are waiting (Waiting Quotes)
... if this Roman dude’s as bad as you say, then why are you lurking outside his store looking all charged and heated like a dog waiting for its owner? (Waiting Quotes)