Wall Quotes

Text Quotes
It is in bed that we learn to bear the inevitable. We are learning this all the time while we lie with our face turned to the wall thinking we are doing nothing (Wall Quotes)
There’s no environment. Use your imagination. There’s no fourth wall, whether it’s the first time you’ve told this story about her life, or the sixth time (Wall Quotes)
I’m in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on the One-Hit Wonder Wall. I’m still very troubled by the fact that I’m in the hall and my dad isn’t (Wall Quotes)
It isn’t enough just to scream at the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. We need our political system to start reflect this anger back into, ‘How do we fix it? How do we get the economy going again?’ (Wall Quotes)
My practicality consists in this, in the knowledge that if you beat your head against the wall it is your head which breaks and not the wall - that is my strength, my only strength (Wall Quotes)
The Berlin Wall wasn’t the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell (Wall Quotes)
The guy that made me wanna make movies. And this is off the wall - is a guy named Michael Pal, the British director (Wall Quotes)
The PATRIOT Act brought down the wall separating intelligence agencies from law enforcement and other entities charged with protecting the Nation from terrorism (Wall Quotes)
Whether one agrees or disagrees with the tactics of the Occupy Wall Street movement, it’s easy to understand the inspiration for its anger as well as its impatience (Wall Quotes)
I can run up a wall and do a back flip - that’s the most impressive thing that I can do (Wall Quotes)
The Berlin Wall go down, that was the most wonderful thing that could happen, absolutely. I celebrated with everybody in Berlin that day when the Wall was down (Wall Quotes)
We differ on several issues. And this may include settlement, the release of prisoners, the wall closing institutions in Jerusalem (Wall Quotes)
There is a sign that hangs on my wall that says, ‘What is it you want me to do to somebody else that is more important than what you want me to do for you (Wall Quotes)
They’ve got to deliver twenty-six episodes a season and they’re not going to beat their heads up against a wall if they feel something didn’t, like, pan out the way they had hoped (Wall Quotes)
I think people can learn from my experience - you know, any young people who are under pressure, whether you work on Wall Street or you work in a factory in Alabama, and young journalists (Wall Quotes)
Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway (Wall Quotes)
Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks. If you don’t have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself! (Wall Quotes)
I remember coming to this college in the 1960s as a new legislator when a road divided the campus - and it was not fully paved at that - and no wall defined the campus from the highway (Wall Quotes)
In the 1920s, Wall Street was a world that was really dominated by professional speculators and stock pools. These people had a monopoly over information (Wall Quotes)
One of my challenges was to try to photograph the Great Wall of China. And I did actually take some photos, but it was hard to discern the wall with the naked eye (Wall Quotes)
There are two things that are more difficult than making an after-dinner speech: climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you (Wall Quotes)
Be prepared to do whatever you have to do. If you get put in a situation where your back is up against the wall let your gun go off (Wall Quotes)
If I worked 8 months on a deal and it didn’t go through - I’d punch a wall, get depressed and change careers (Wall Quotes)
Religion is not a bridge between God and Man; it is a Great Wall of China between them (Wall Quotes)
I understand - and often make fun of - the desire to run to the wall text before running to the painting (Wall Quotes)
I’m interested in how paintings can change or transform - sometimes through close examination or viewed from afar; or how they hold the space of a wall or interact in a room with each other (Wall Quotes)
You might be a redneck if an expired license plate means another decoration for your living room wall (Wall Quotes)
So far, the only major accomplishment of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters is that they have finally put an end to their previous initiative, Occupy Our Mothers’ Basements (Wall Quotes)
Democrats are firm believers in the welfare state for their own constituents, whether that’s a crack addict mother of five or a Wall Street banker (Wall Quotes)
I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers. To name three: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point (Wall Quotes)