Wall Quotes

Text Quotes
We have to start processing what we’re really made of in America. American character is not dead. American integrity and honesty are not dead. When we’re backed up against the wall against the largest corporations in the history of corporations, it’s there. (Wall Quotes)
[Jay] Gould sets up an artificial wall between the two worldviews that doesn’t exist in my life. (Wall Quotes)
I’m always hopeful. I feel like I’m at the prom sitting against the wall waiting for someone to ask me to dance. (Wall Quotes)
Nothing I had written before ‘Mary Poppins’ had anything to do with children, and I have always assumed, when I thought about it at all, that she had come out of the same wall of nothingness as the poetry, myth and legend that had absorbed me all my writing life. (Wall Quotes)
Indeed, everything was a shock at the beginning. The wash machines, dryers, dishwashers, garbage disposal machines, juicers, toasters, and yes, the ATM machines. Watching money spilled out of a wall was simply amazing! (Wall Quotes)
My father instilled in me the attitude of prevailing. If there’s a challenge, go for it. If there’s a wall to break down, break it down. (Wall Quotes)
I like having my back against the wall and doing things I’m not supposed to be good at (Wall Quotes)
My past is my shadow, it follows me everywhere I go. Well, all those things come from when I had no other choice. They put my back against the wall. I do what I gotta do. (Wall Quotes)
Okay, well, I guess I’m still a kid. Because when I get really angry and fired up and I feel like my back is up against the wall, I will say vicious things. (Wall Quotes)
At town meetings, you can see the shy folks, the ones who have trouble sounding off in public, leaning against the back wall or bending over their knitting. On talk radio, those people are invisible, but they’re there. It’s a mistake to think that the blowhards who call in speak for the nation. (Wall Quotes)
When its back’s against the wall, even positivity will come out fighting! (Wall Quotes)
In life, you’ll have your back up against the wall many times. You might as well get used to it. (Wall Quotes)
I like having my back pressed against a wall and being made to work harder so I don’t embarrass myself. (Wall Quotes)
How you react when your back is against the wall will determine if you see what’s actually over the wall. (Wall Quotes)
Me and success are two things you don’t wanna find yo ass between. Back against the wall like plasma screens. (Wall Quotes)
Man is a strange animal, he doesn’t like to read the handwriting on the wall until his back is up against it. (Wall Quotes)
A man’s character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall. (Wall Quotes)
But sometimes, in tight corners, when your back is against the wall and the world is against you, you have to fight back in unexpected ways. (Wall Quotes)
... every writer I had ever known wrote his best work when he had his back up against the wall and thought he would never write another word. (Wall Quotes)
The tunnel under the wall of intellectual snobbery is the only way back to common sense reality, but most won’t find it because it is beneath them. (Wall Quotes)
When President Obama first unveiled his gun control proposals recommending a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and better background checks, there seemed to be momentum behind the effort. But then the proposals ran into a wall. (Wall Quotes)
I’m asked, what about criminal prosecution of those on wall street? You know what, it’s probably because none of them committed any crimes. They just made some incredibly bad decisions. (Wall Quotes)
While short sellers probably will never be popular on Wall Street, they often are the ones wearing the white hats when it comes to looking for and identifying the bad guys! (Wall Quotes)
The fall of the Berlin Wall really demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that there was a bad system, and what subsequently happened in the Soviet Union, that that system was a failure. (Wall Quotes)
We’re going balls to the wall, guys. Our sneak-and-peak just turned into a hostage rescue (Wall Quotes)
Clearly the secret of a variation on the general principle of banging your head against a wall, and then stopping. (Wall Quotes)
Generating exciting new ideas burns 325 calories per hour and has no carbs. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. Rambling aimlessly about a point that someone has already made burns only 3 calories per hour. (Wall Quotes)
The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose. Life is a learning process and you have to try to learn what’s best for you. Let me tell you, life is not fun when you’re banging your head against a brick wall all the time. (Wall Quotes)
The economy may be complex, but Americans understand that the Wall Street banks control an outsized portion of the economy and that they have an outsized interest in their own profits. (Wall Quotes)
Main Street versus Wall Street was the 2008 economic mantra of Democrat Barack Obama (Wall Quotes)