Wall Quotes

Text Quotes
...I didn’t want you flawless - I have a bare wall at home that’s flawless - I wanted your character trapped in the amber of your skin... (Wall Quotes)
The basketball coach cut me within two days, so I was back in the pool. I was the first one in the wall after the first 25 yards, but the last one out because I didn’t have a flip turn. (Wall Quotes)
I got my first real bass guitar in my hands when I was 14 - a 1957 Fender Precision, which is still hanging on the wall in my front room. I loved the heaviness of it and the feel of the wood. I still do. (Wall Quotes)
Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. I may get killed with my own gun, but he’s gonna have to beat me to death with it, cause it’s gonna be empty. (Wall Quotes)
We need to build a wall...I don’t mind having a big beautiful door in that wall. (Wall Quotes)
Beauty of your love-filled smile created a mark on the stone wall of my heart, I can erase it never. (Wall Quotes)
If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on the wall, I think we’d see the beauty then and stand staring in awe. (Wall Quotes)
It’s all mirror, mirror on the wall because beauty is power the same way money is power the same way a gun is power. (Wall Quotes)
I’m recording our history now on the bedroom wall, and when we leave the landlord will come and paint over it all. (Wall Quotes)
I have a motto on my bedroom wall: ‘Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal.’ Giving up is not my style. I just want to do something that’s worthwhile. (Wall Quotes)
I’ve been inspired by people’s work, but I never grew up with posters on my bedroom wall or obsessed with one person. (Wall Quotes)
Growing up, I lived in a house without art: no picture books on the shelves, no visits to museums, no posters on the bedroom wall. (Wall Quotes)
It really should be a criminal offense for an electrician to mount a breaker box on a bedroom wall. Unfortunately, I see the solar industry mounting inverters on bedroom walls also! (Wall Quotes)
I had lots of posters on my bedroom wall of players like Zico, many Brazilian and Italian players, not many players in particular but I loved football so much and I especially loved skilful players. (Wall Quotes)
A lot of people insisted on a wall between modern dance and ballet. I’m beginning to think that walls are very unhealthy things. (Wall Quotes)
Wall Street is littered with clever plans to use financial instruments to change behavior - carbon trading, for example. Some have changed the world, and others failed miserably. (Wall Quotes)
People are used to getting a lot of information quickly, and they’re used to being quite empowered as consumers, and they go to governments expecting a similar treatment; they want to find data and they want to influence events quickly, and yet they come into this brick wall. (Wall Quotes)
I was walking down a street and after his death and saw a billboard on the side of a brick wall for Van’s shoes. It was a picture of Hopper’s face, and all it said was, ‘Hopper Lives.’ So I think he’s still part of youth culture. There are lessons to be learned from Hopper about being a young person who wants to live the art life in America. (Wall Quotes)
I know the human spirit. I haven’t found a wall that can be built that a determined human being can’t get over, under or around. (Wall Quotes)
I went in, and there, in the front room, a converted bedroom, sat the first radio I had ever seen. The equipment was so bulky that it took up one entire wall of the bedroom. The set, which could send or receive signals, was tuned to KDKA in Pittsburgh, and I remember being completely flabbergasted at the thought of sounds coming from that box. (Wall Quotes)
The pictures we saw before we got down here didn’t even touch the reality of what it is like being here. We can be right on the beach with all the devastation and still not be able to imagine what it was like when the wall of water actually came up. (Wall Quotes)
Far be it for the public schools to teach this, but the U.S.A. was founded on basic Judeo-Christian principles. Don’t believe me - take a trip to Washington D.C. and tour the Supreme Court building. There you will see a sculpted copy of the Ten Commandments on the wall. (Wall Quotes)
The world has fundamentally changed. It fundamentally changed when the Berlin Wall came down and the ‘evil empire’ ceased to exist. We are engaged around the world whether we like it or not. (Wall Quotes)
The Berlin Wall wasn’t the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell. (Wall Quotes)
Predicting has a spotty record in science fiction. I’ve had some failures. On the other hand, I also predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise of fundamentalist Islam... and I’m not happy to be right in all of those cases (Wall Quotes)
We had the Berlin Wall; we had walls everywhere. But we always looked at the wall as kind of like the outside of the wall is the enemy. Are we looking at Mexico as the enemy? No, it’s not. These are our trading partners. (Wall Quotes)
Contemporary art for me is a kind of historical term that describes the 40 years between the Berlin Wall going up and then coming down. I’m not sure who will come up with a better term to describe art, but I think contemporary art is actually done for. (Wall Quotes)
Young people in college were not even born when the Berlin Wall fell, and so they are not really cognizant of the Cold War and what that meant. Now, truly, the genie is out of the bottle and you have the possibility that terrorists ... could be stealing a bomb or buying a bomb (Wall Quotes)
You have won the Cold War. ... [Your] underappreciated valor [helped] topple the Berlin Wall, and bring down dictators the world over. ... For the past four decades the world behind the Iron Curtain ... looked to Americans for hope, and America looked to you to get the job done. Today, the free world says thank you. (Wall Quotes)
There was a moment when the Berlin Wall came down and some people felt, Oh capitalism won. That’s the ideology we can believe in now. (Wall Quotes)