Wall Quotes

Text Quotes
People don’t trust government, they don’t trust Wall Street, they don’t trust the church, they don’t trust the media. (Wall Quotes)
In Peter Ackroyd’s book ‘London: The Biography,’ he describes the route of the medieval wall that enclosed the original city. Take the book and follow it from the Tower of London via the Barbican to Ludgate Hill. You experience the real history of London. (Wall Quotes)
Bonuses balance my budget in New York City. The bigger the bonuses on Wall Street, the more money I had to spend on poor people. The New York City budget is determined greatly by the bonuses given on Wall Street. (Wall Quotes)
Part of this country’s problem is that people from New York City - Wall Streeters - don’t think about the little guy who can’t afford things. (Wall Quotes)
By tradition, Beijing is a city of walls, sheltering its intrigues and ambitions behind a series of concentric barriers from the Great Wall down to courtyard homes that draw sunlight only from the gardens at their core. (Wall Quotes)
Occupy Wall Street was a disorganized movement without a clear focus and power base - essential in any successful revolution - but the message was clear: the divisions between those who are fortunate enough to enjoy city living as opposed to those who find it unbearable are too wide. (Wall Quotes)
President [Barack] Obama`s staking his reelection hopes on rebuilding America`s middle class. He wants higher taxes on the wealthy, tougher rules on Wall Street, and everyone else to get a fair shot to succeed. Republicans can cry class warfare if they want, but as the president put it today, it`s about this country`s welfare. (Wall Quotes)
I have some good books of Bach keyboard music transcribed for guitar, and there’s always a nylon-string guitar hanging on the wall in my house and a bunch of classical guitar books to grab. I kind of do that just for fun. (Wall Quotes)
Wall Street banks have the right to express their views to lawmakers and regulators through lobbying, but the law is clear: If they want to influence lawmakers, they must disclose their lobbying expenditures. (Wall Quotes)
If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it. (Wall Quotes)
I close my eyes and feel the texture of brick on my fingers in my mind. I try to imagine the wall that surrounds your heart, so I can best devise a plan to breach it. (Wall Quotes)
Someone once said, that the internet is the bathroom wall of the 21 century. And that appears to be true, especially since Bobrick transitioned to plastic laminates removing the opportunity to defame others behind those closed doors. (Wall Quotes)
If you stare at a wall from four in the morning till nine at night, and you do that for a week, you are getting pretty close to nothingness. (Wall Quotes)
Machismo requires Latin blood. I’d say I never experienced machismo up close until I worked in a French office; the typical Wall Street gunner has the soul of a coffee filter in comparison. (Wall Quotes)
See... What I felt they should have done, for our first public works project, is build a giant wall... across the entire border of Canada. Because that’s where the cold air comes from. (Wall Quotes)
I remember coming to this college in the 1960s as a new legislator when a road divided the campus - and it was not fully paved at that - and no wall defined the campus from the highway. (Wall Quotes)
I had a Neighborhood Crime Watch sign in my dorm wall in college. People would come in and laugh at it. ‘Where did you get it?’ ‘I took it. How good is their Neighborhood Crime Watch if they can’t even watch their sign?’ (Wall Quotes)
If they don’t go to law school, bright college graduates head to Wall Street precisely because they have no real plan for their careers. (Wall Quotes)
The muted color scheme allows the occasional brighter yellow or red to pop out on the wall in a show, which I like. (Wall Quotes)
The crooks downtown figured out that comedy is like a hammer. It can put up a barn and it can knock down a wall. So they bought it outright and marketed it as Comedy Central. (Wall Quotes)
There are a lot of good ideas that could benefit from big media. You have a lot of companies that hit a wall and can’t get beyond a certain level. They need the infrastructure and distribution of a large company. (Wall Quotes)
Internet companies created the social-media tools that fueled the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street insurgencies, and that have helped political candidates rally grass-roots support. (Wall Quotes)
I never went to rock concerts when I was a kid. I didn’t see any rock and roll bands. I had posters on my wall. I had Beatles records. (Wall Quotes)
Periodically, ‘The New York Times’ runs a business news story lamenting how few women still make it to the top in the Wall Street boys’ club. Could it be that women are choosing to be conscientious objectors in these wars of one against all? (Wall Quotes)
I don’t go to the cool, trendy restaurants. I go to either the holes in the wall or the super-fancy restaurants where there are no cool people. (Wall Quotes)
At Cornell University, it was well known that after five years on Wall Street, you could expect to be making half a million a year in salary and bonus; after 10 years, you could expect a million or more. I had 60 grand of university debt, and my parents had no retirement. I needed that money. (Wall Quotes)
Country music busts the wall between performer and audience. There’s a connection because there’s a vulnerability, a confessional quality, to so much of the songwriting. Those lyrics take you in. (Wall Quotes)
The minute a Wall Street firm purchases your debt, your bank no longer has it on its financial statement, which then allows the bank to look for more credit card customers. That’s one reason why you get so many credit card offers. (Wall Quotes)
The imperial projects will continue, Wall Street will be unimpeded in its malfeasance and criminal activity, social programs will continue to be cut, maybe not at the same speed as under a Republican Administration, but it’s all headed in the same direction. (Wall Quotes)
Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two. This you cannot do without temperance. (Wall Quotes)