Wallace Stevens Quotes

Text Quotes
I like my philosophy smothered in beauty and not the opposite (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
She sang beyond the genius of the sea (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The thinking of art seems final when the thinking of God is smoky dew (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The blue guitar and I are one (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
I play. But this is what I think (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
I am a native in this world and think in it as a native thinks (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The death of one God is the death of all (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
We are the mimics. Clouds are pedagogues (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The first idea is an imagined thing (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
My dame, sing for this person accurate songs (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
It was enough for her that she remembered (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
A poem should be a part of one’s sense of life (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
A poet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
All history is modern history (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The house was quiet and the world was calm. The reader became the book (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The genuine artist is never ‘true to life.’ He sees what is real, but not as we are normally aware of it. We do not go storming through life like actors in a play. Art is never real life (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
Unfortunately there is nothing more inane than an Easter carol. It is a religious perversion of the activity of Spring in our blood (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
Fat girl, terrestrial, my summer, my night, How is it I find you in difference, see you there In a moving contour, a change not quite completed? You are familiar yet an aberration (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
I can’t make head or tail of Life. Love is a fine thing, Art is a fine thing, Nature is a fine thing; but the average human mind and spirit are confusing beyond measure. Sometimes I think that all our learning is the little learning of the maxim. To laugh at a Roman awe-stricken in a sacred grove is to laugh at something today (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
Most modern reproducers of life, even including the camera, really repudiate it. We gulp down evil, choke at good (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
Divinity must live within herself: Passions of rain, or moods in the falling snow; Grievings in loneliness, or unsubdued Elations when the forest blooms; gusty Emotions on wet roads on autumn nights; All pleasures and all pains, remembering The boughs of summer and the winter branch. These are the measures destined for her soul (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
You like it under the trees in autumn, because everything is half dead. The wind moves like a cripple among the leaves and repeats words without menaing (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
Trees Trees, proud standing people stretching fingertips to the sky, reaching, praying glorious attention, breathing light. strength shelter timeless confidence bending and firm comforting rooted chorus line dancing with the moon, the wind, the clouds framing bursts of stars tender rugged celebration absorbing and releasing life each holy branch holding the power of the Universe. There (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
I measure myself Against a tall tree I find that I am much taller, For I reach right up to the sun With my eye; And I reach to the shore of the sea With my ear. Nevertheless, I dislike The way the ants crawl In and out of my shadow (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
After the final no there comes a yes / And on that yes the future world depends (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The heavy trees, The grunting, shuffling branches, the robust, The nocturnal, the antique, the blue-green pines Deepen the feelings to inhuman depths. (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The old brown hen and the old blue sky, Between the two we live and die The broken cartwheel on the hill. (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
We say God and the imagination are one... How high that highest candle lights the dark. (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
Cold is our element and winter’s air Brings voices as of lions coming down (Wallace Stevens Quotes)
The greatest poverty is not to live In a physical world, to feel that one’s desire Is too difficult to tell from despair. (Wallace Stevens Quotes)