Walls Quotes

Text Quotes
Above us our palace waits, the only one I’ve ever needed. Its walls are space, its floor is sky, its center everywhere. We rise; the shapes cluster around us in welcome, dissolving and forming again like fireflies in a summer evening (Walls Quotes)
Works of art feel towards human beings exactly as we do towards ghosts. The transparency of spectres, the diffuseness in space which lets them drift through doors and walls, and their smell of death, disgust us not more than we disgust works of art by our meaninglessness, our diffuseness in time which lets us drift through three score years and ten without a quarter as much significance as a picture establishes instantaneously (Walls Quotes)
I like libraries. It makes me feel comfortable and secure to have walls of words, beautiful and wise, all around me. I always feel better when I can see that there is something to hold back the shadows (Walls Quotes)
Boundaries aren’t all bad. That’s why there are walls around mental institutions (Walls Quotes)
Night was a very different matter. It was dense, thicker than the very walls, and it was empty, so black, so immense that within it you could brush against appalling things and feel roaming and prowling around a strange, mysterious horror (Walls Quotes)
She goes where she pleases. She appears unhoped for, uncalled for. She moves through doors and walls and windows. Her thoughts move through minds. She enters dreams. She vanishes and is still there. She knows the future and sees through flesh. She is not afraid of anything (Walls Quotes)
He felt full of a dense and sour substance that was blocking his chest, and it wasn’t grief. After all those years, life now seemed like no more than a trap, a maze, not even a maze, just a room that was all walls, no door (Walls Quotes)
It was the darkness that got you. It was heavy darkness, greasy and compelling. It made walls round you, and shut you in so that you felt like you could not breathe (Walls Quotes)
The oversized chairs are white; the walls, covered with occasional landscape paintings, are white; and the plush carpet is the whitest of all. I’m insanely glad I didn’t bring a cup of grape juice with me (Walls Quotes)
He thinks about her, at this moment, in her house, a few thin walls away, packing her life into boxes and bags and he wonders what memories she is rediscovering, what thoughts are catching in her mouth like the dust blown from unused textbooks. He wonders if she has buried any traces of herself under her floorboards. He wonders what those traces would be if she had. And he wonders again why he thinks about her so much when he knows so little to think about (Walls Quotes)
As always, I am saved by the inability of living creatures to believe anything that might cause the walls of their little mental assumptions to crumble (Walls Quotes)
Once you laugh at you own weaknesses, you can move forward. Comedy breaks down walls. It opens up people. If you’re good, you can fill up those openings with something positive. Mabye...... combat some the ugliness in the world (Walls Quotes)
No place worth knowing yields itself at sight, and those the least inviting on first view may leave the most haunting pictures upon the walls of memory (Walls Quotes)
It’s like the smell of burned toast. You made the toast. You looked forward to it. You even enjoyed making it, but it burned. What were you doing? Was it your fault? It doesn’t matter anymore. You open the window, but only the very top layer of the smell goes away. The rest remains around you. It’s the walls. You leave the room, but it’s on your clothes. You change your clothes, but it’s in your hair. It’s on the thin skin on the tops of your hand. And in the morning, it’s still there (Walls Quotes)
You have those walls up all around you... Come a day you gonna want to tear them down brick by brick and gonna find that the cement is all hard. What you gonna do then? (Walls Quotes)
Comedy breaks down walls. It frees us for just a moment from the ugliness of this world (Walls Quotes)
You can’t stand clutter, and you have an obsession with orderliness. The furniture in here is centered exactly on the walls; the files on your desk are arranged in precise corners. If I had to guess, I would say you are probably a control freak, and that is usually symptomatic of a man who feels powerless to control his own life, so he tries to control every facet of his surroundings (Walls Quotes)
It’s gratifying to know that you’ve appeared in someone else’s dreams. It’s proof that you exist, in a way, proof that you have substance and value outside the walls of your own mind (Walls Quotes)
I just want to escape my own body and project sunlight on to the walls for her to see, so she warms up and yearns for my arms (Walls Quotes)
My memories of them had rubbed thin with overuse, worn to frail color transparencies flickering on the walls of my mind (Walls Quotes)
Grief is a house where the chairs have forgotten how to hold us the mirrors how to reflect us the walls how to contain us grief is a house that disappears each time someone knocks at the door or rings the bell a house that blows into the air at the slightest gust that buries itself deep in the ground while everyone is sleeping grief is a house where no on can protect you where the younger sister will grow older than (Walls Quotes)
Hopes were wallflowers. Hopes hugged the perimeter of a dance floor in your brain, tugging at their party lace, all perfume and hems and doomed expectation. They fanned their dance cards, these guests that pressed against the walls of your heart (Walls Quotes)
I myself shall continue living in my glass house where you can always see who comes to call, where everything hanging from the the ceiling and on the walls stays where it is as if by magic, where I sleep nights in a glass bed, under glass sheets, where who I am will sooner or later appear etched by a diamond (Walls Quotes)
We give people fish. We teach them to fish. We tear down the walls that have been built up around the fish pond. And we figure out who polluted it (Walls Quotes)
Every inner touch, every one of its fingerprints on my brain, burned like acid. It shredded the walls of my soul like tissue paper, it clawed its way into my very center, I couldn’t tell anymore where it began and I ended. It poured into me like a river into the sea, mixing, melding, until we were one. One. For better or worse. Until death do us part (Walls Quotes)
The library would’ve cheered me up, most days. I loved the heavy oaken tables, the high walls stacked with books to the ceiling, the musty smell of old pages and the heavy brass fixtures that had gone dark with age and wear (Walls Quotes)
My life is too tight, he wanted to say. My skin is too tight. The walls are too tight (Walls Quotes)
For a long time he had been white smoke. He did not realize that until he left the hospital, because white smoke had no consciousness of itself. It faded into the white world of their bed sheets and walls; it was sucked away by the words of doctors who tried to talk to the invisible scattered smoke... They saw his outline but they did not realize it was hollow inside (Walls Quotes)
If only these walls could talk…the world would know just how hard it is to tell the truth in a story in which everyone’s a liar (Walls Quotes)
When we love and respect people, revealing to them their value, they can begin to come out from behind the walls that protect them (Walls Quotes)