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Wanna Quotes

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I don’t wanna play Karen. I just don’t. I’ve kind of done this  (Wanna Quotes) I feel like people always wanna define me and I do’ wanna be defined  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna be the villain. Villains have fun  (Wanna Quotes) I don’t ever wanna drink again, I just, ooh I just need a friend  (Wanna Quotes) You must wanna be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the dumbest  (Wanna Quotes) When you look into her eyes, you know what kind of man you wanna be  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna get faded  (Wanna Quotes) Trees swaying, blue skies. I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else  (Wanna Quotes) When you stop caring that’s when they wanna start caring  (Wanna Quotes) I’d kick you in the vagina but I don’t wanna lose my shoe  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna be the one he looks at and says to his friends. Thats her  (Wanna Quotes) Hypocrites always wanna play innocent  (Wanna Quotes) Wanna hear a joke about my penis? Never mind, it’s too long  (Wanna Quotes) Ever get so sick of everything you just wanna get away from everyone  (Wanna Quotes) You gotta let this go I wanna be more than a shoulder you can cry  (Wanna Quotes) I don’t wanna be alone forever but I can be tonight  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna keep being productive and creative  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna be the best in at least one thing in this life  (Wanna Quotes) I just wanna hang out. No big deal!  (Wanna Quotes) Ever hear a song you love so much you wanna break sh*t~?  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna kiss you. I couldn’t care less about the team struggling.  (Wanna Quotes) I don’t wanna be Courtney Love - I wanna be Kurt Cobain  (Wanna Quotes) Anyone wanna play Dungeons and Dragons for the next quadrillion years?  (Wanna Quotes) I just wanna make the world dance, forget about the price tags  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna kiss you, girl, I wanna kiss you Girl, I wanna love you  (Wanna Quotes) I don’t want to overthrow the government. I wanna fire ‘em.  (Wanna Quotes) I have a great time with my life, and I wanna share it  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna grow up and be a critic  (Wanna Quotes) I wanna kiss you in Paris I wanna hold your hand in Rome  (Wanna Quotes) As much as I hate you I still wanna date you  (Wanna Quotes)
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