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Friendship Quotes Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny Quotes Motivational Quotes Inspirational Quotes
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No amount of manifest absurdity... could deter those who wanted to believe from believing  (Wanted Quotes) As early as when I was five or six I wanted to perform  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to prove I was the best fighter in the world  (Wanted Quotes) Life will force you to make changes you never wanted to make  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to make a movie about the arbitrary nature of love  (Wanted Quotes) I never wanted to be a pundit  (Wanted Quotes) What I wanted and what I visualized while composing has not always been realized  (Wanted Quotes) I lost races because I wanted too much to win them in beating my rivals  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to learn a few foreign languages, and therefore I had to go abroad  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to try to write songs on the piano to get a different flavor  (Wanted Quotes) Before, if I wasn’t in baseball, I wanted to become a doctor  (Wanted Quotes) Doing my own album provided me the opportunity to say whatever I wanted  (Wanted Quotes) I was an escapee of childhood. I always wanted to grow up  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to become a writer. I enjoyed reading as a child  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to be an actor when I was a kid  (Wanted Quotes) I’ve always wanted to act since I was little  (Wanted Quotes) I never wanted to do political satire because it seems too surface to me  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to play saxophone, but all I could get were a few squeaks  (Wanted Quotes) All I ever wanted to do was act  (Wanted Quotes) Cinemas gained new young audiences who wanted films made for them  (Wanted Quotes) I always wanted to tell stories and act  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted above all else not to be like my mum  (Wanted Quotes) I love westerns. I’ve always wanted to do a western  (Wanted Quotes) When I was five years old I knew I wanted to act  (Wanted Quotes) I decided I wanted to be a physician when I was seven years old  (Wanted Quotes) Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to  (Wanted Quotes) I never lost a friend I wanted to keep  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to be a scientist. But I had no math skills  (Wanted Quotes) All my boyhood, all I ever wanted was to be loved  (Wanted Quotes) I have always done what I wanted to do  (Wanted Quotes)
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