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Wanted Quotes

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Friendship Quotes Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny Quotes Motivational Quotes Inspirational Quotes
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My mother wanted me to be a concert pianist  (Wanted Quotes) I stopped acting because I had other passions I wanted to pursue  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to kill art for myself… …a new thought for that object  (Wanted Quotes) If you wanted a safe job, go sell shoes. This is a tough business  (Wanted Quotes) I became an entertainer not because I wanted to but because I was meant to  (Wanted Quotes) I painted. I wanted to be a painter. I sang  (Wanted Quotes) Because nobody wanted to play bass, I was instantly in a band  (Wanted Quotes) And, you know, I never wanted to be a singer  (Wanted Quotes) I just wanted to play a cowboy for a long time  (Wanted Quotes) I always wanted to be a great actor  (Wanted Quotes) All I ever wanted to do was be able to pay my rent  (Wanted Quotes) I picked up a guitar, and I knew what I wanted to do  (Wanted Quotes) I always wanted to be really experimental  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to say to myself as much as anyone else that we made art  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to make noise, not study theory  (Wanted Quotes) I always wanted to be an actress. I always wanted to be a movie star  (Wanted Quotes) As a child I wanted to be a professional athlete or lawyer  (Wanted Quotes) I’ve so exceeded what I ever wanted to do  (Wanted Quotes) I always wanted to be an astronaut  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to model when I was younger  (Wanted Quotes) I had wanted to do a comedy  (Wanted Quotes) I always wanted to make people feel something  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted my closet to look like a boutique  (Wanted Quotes) When I was thirteen I only wanted to be a drummer  (Wanted Quotes) I’ve always wanted to be sure my parents approve of what I do  (Wanted Quotes) I wanted to better inform the world  (Wanted Quotes) I actually wanted to be a drummer, but I didn’t have any drums  (Wanted Quotes) During the eighties and nineties, people wanted to be chic, elegant, bourgeois  (Wanted Quotes) All I wanted was to be involved in politics and government  (Wanted Quotes) People always wanted someone to blame, didn’t they?  (Wanted Quotes)
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