Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism

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Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism
Noam Chomsky, a renowned American linguist, philosopher, and political activist, has long been a vocal critic of the United States' foreign policy and its approach to combating terrorism. Chomsky has argued that the wanton killing of innocent civilians in the name of fighting terrorism is itself a form of terrorism, rather than a legitimate war against terrorism.Chomsky's stance on this issue is rooted in his belief that the United States and other powerful nations often use the label of "war on terrorism" as a justification for military interventions and actions that result in the deaths of innocent civilians. Chomsky has pointed to numerous examples of this throughout history, including the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians.
Chomsky has also criticized the use of drone strikes and targeted assassinations as part of the so-called war on terrorism, arguing that these tactics often result in the deaths of innocent bystanders and only serve to fuel further resentment and radicalization among affected populations. Chomsky has argued that these actions do not make the world safer, but rather contribute to a cycle of violence and retaliation that only serves to perpetuate the problem of terrorism.
Chomsky has also been critical of the way in which the term "terrorism" is often used selectively by powerful nations to demonize their enemies, while ignoring or excusing similar actions carried out by their own governments. Chomsky has argued that true efforts to combat terrorism should focus on addressing the root causes of violence and conflict, such as poverty, inequality, and political oppression, rather than resorting to military force and indiscriminate violence.