War Quotes
Text Quotes
I was going to be a great woman novelist. Then the war came along and I think it's hard for young people today, don't you, to realize that when World War II happened we were dying to go and help our country (War Quotes)
The vanquished know war. They see through the empty jingoism of those who use the abstract words of glory, honor, and patriotism to mask the cries of the wounded, the senseless killing, war profiteering, and chest pounding grief (War Quotes)
I took up writing to escape the drudgery of that every day cubicle kind of war (War Quotes)
Is there war in our religion? No; neither war nor bloodshed. Yet our enemies cry out bloodshed, and oh, what dreadful men these Mormons are, and those Danites! How they slay and kill! Such is all nonsense and folly in the extreme. The wicked slay the wicked, and they will lay it on the Saints (War Quotes)
It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder (War Quotes)
You might hold an ethical position that it's wrong to lie, but if you have plans for a war in Iraq, and you want to keep them secret for practical reasons - to reduce casualties, perhaps - and someone asks you about those plans, you may need to lie for a 'good' outcome (War Quotes)
When we get sick, we want an uncommon doctor. If we have a construction job, we want an uncommon engineer. When we get into a war, we dreadfully want an uncommon admiral and an uncommon general. Only when we get into politics are we content with the common man (War Quotes)
War! Some of the invalids break the silence, and say the word again under their breath, reflecting that this is the greatest happening of the age, and perhaps of all ages. Even on the lucid landscape at which they gaze the news casts something like a vague and somber mirage (War Quotes)
While we get ready to rejoin the others and begin war again, the dark and storm choked sky slowly opens above our heads. Between two masses of gloomy cloud a tranquil gleam emerges; and that line of light, so blackedged and beset, brings even so it's proof that the sun is there (War Quotes)
War will come again after this one. It will come again as long as it can be determined by people other than those who fight. The same causes will produce the same effects, and the living will have to give up all hope (War Quotes)
The struggle against war, properly understood and executed, presupposes the uncompromising hostility of the proletariat and it's organizations, always and everywhere, toward it's own and every other imperialist bourgeoisie (War Quotes)
The struggle against war and it's social source, capitalism, presupposes direct, active, unequivocal support to the oppressed colonial peoples in their struggles and wars against imperialism. A 'neutral' position is tantamount to support of imperialism (War Quotes)
Politics are very much like war. We may even have to use poison gas at times (War Quotes)
The slanders poured down like Niagara. If you take into consideration the setting - the war and the revolution - and the character of the accused - revolutionary leaders of millions who were conducting their party to the sovereign power - you can say without exaggeration that July 1917 was the month of the most gigantic slander in world history (War Quotes)
There is peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destructive of his material body (War Quotes)
Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the army relies to make it's every move (War Quotes)
You can't say civilization don't advance. In every war they kill you in a new way (War Quotes)
If the Lord sends us war, we have got to face it like men, but God forbid we should manufacture war, and use it as an escape from our domestic difficulties. You can't expect a blessing on that (War Quotes)
I don't believe war is a way to solve problems. I think it's wrong. I don't have respect for the people that made the decisions to go on with war. I don't have that much respect for Bush. He's about war, I'm not about war - a lot of people aren't about war (War Quotes)
Nullification means insurrection and war; and the other states have a right to put it down (War Quotes)
We women are constantly at war with our bodies, it is hard to find amnesty for ourselves (War Quotes)
Peace has it's victories no less than war, but it doesn't have as many monuments to unveil (War Quotes)
All the other books ask, 'What's it like?' What was World War II like for the young kid at Normandy, or what is work like for a woman having a job for the first time in her life? What's it like to be black or white? (War Quotes)
As polarized as we have been, we Americans are locked in a cultural war for the soul of our country (War Quotes)
Chicano chauvinists and Mexican agents have made clear their intent to take back through demography and culture what their ancestors lost through war (War Quotes)
A civil war is going to break out inside the Republican Party along the old trench lines of the Goldwater Rockefeller wars of the 1960s, a war for the heart and soul and future of the party (War Quotes)
Nine days after an attack on the United States, this tiny clique of intellectuals was telling the President of the United States... That if he did not follow their war plans, he would be charged publicly with a decisive surrender to terrorism (War Quotes)
The Bush Doctrine is a prescription for permanent war for permanent peace, though wars are the death of republics (War Quotes)
If Iraq collapses in chaos and civil war, there will be a ferocious fight in this country over who misled us and who may have lied us, into war. Into the dock will go the neoconservatives whose class project this was (War Quotes)
If war is the continuation of politics by other means, terrorism is the continuation of war by other means (War Quotes)