Ward Cunningham Quotes

Text Quotes
When I was at Tek, I was frustrated that computer hardware was being improved faster than computer software. I wanted to invent some software that was completely different, that would grow and change as it was used. That’s how wiki came about (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
What is simplicity? Simplicity is the shortest path to a solution (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
What’s the simplest thing that could possibly work? (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
I can’t tell you how much time is spent worrying about decisions that don’t matter. To just be able to make a decision and see what happens is tremendously empowering, but that means you have to set up the situation such that when something does go wrong, you can fix it (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
When you get in situations where you cannot afford to make a mistake, it’s very hard to do the right thing. So if you’re trying to do the right thing, the right thing might be to eliminate the cost of making a mistake rather than try to guess what’s right (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
Over and over, people try to design systems that make tomorrow’s work easy. But when tomorrow comes it turns out they didn’t quite understand tomorrow’s work, and they actually made it harder (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
There’s been an awful lot of discussion about what is or isn’t simple, and people have gotten a pretty sophisticated notion of simplicity, but I’m not sure it has helped (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
When a manager asks for hard data, that’s usually just his way of saying no (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
Each routine you read turns out to be pretty much what you expected. You can call it beautiful code when the code also makes it look like the language was made for the problem (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
Wikis work best in environments where you’re comfortable delegating control to the users of the system (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
We erased a problem by not trying to erase the problem, by saying, this is in the nature of what we do. It’s really weird that it could be that simple (Ward Cunningham Quotes)
There is an art to knowing where things should be checked and making sure that the program fails fast if you make a mistake. That kind of choosing is part of the art of simplification (Ward Cunningham Quotes)