Warmer Quotes

Text Quotes
There has been evidence throughout history of cycles when the earth gets warmer and cycles when the earth gets colder. We should always be wise stewards of the earth and all of our natural resources. But as a policymaker, I won’t be guided by the global warming propaganda machine. Al Gore - we need you to return your Nobel Peace Prize! (Warmer Quotes)
The report falsely asserts that global warming is causing more extreme weather events, more droughts, more record high temperatures, more wildfires, warmer winters, etc., when each and every one of these false assertions is contradicted by objective, verifiable evidence. (Warmer Quotes)
The fact that the climate is getting warmer doesn’t scare me at all. There’s no reason why one should be scared. (Warmer Quotes)
In England, rain was thin and cold, and made you hunch up inside your coat, walking home from the bus stop. In Jamaica, it was wide and thick and invited you to step into it, and see how wet you could get, and be thrilled that it was warmer than the sea and warmer than your skin; it was abandon. (Warmer Quotes)
In 10 years, I’d love to live near the sea, in a warmer climate. I could see myself with three dogs... and it’d be great to share them with someone else. (Warmer Quotes)
The original purpose of the beards was to help with the wind when it’s blowing in your face. When you’re out there in the woods hunting like we are all the time, we found that facial hair helps you to stay a lot warmer. (Warmer Quotes)
It has become very difficult for anyone to argue that observed global warming is natural variability. We have good reason for being able to say that the world will be warmer by about a quarter of a degree in the next decade. It’s the same reason we had 10 years ago when we said that the 1990s would be warmer than the 1980s: The planet is out of equilibrium (Warmer Quotes)
I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer (Warmer Quotes)
I felt the first soft glow of intoxication that makes the blood warmer and spreads an illusion of adventure over uncertainty (Warmer Quotes)
If a dog jumps into your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer (Warmer Quotes)
Sentimentalists... Adopt whatever merit is in good repute, and almost make it hateful with their praise. The warmer their expressions, the colder we feel (Warmer Quotes)
So imagine a world 6 degrees warmer. It’s not going to recognize geographical boundaries. It’s not going to recognize anything. So agriculture regions today will be wiped out (Warmer Quotes)
Polar bears did very well in the warmer times. They didn’t die out at all; they didn’t die out in the last 10,000 years, nor during the previous interglacial, nor the one before that. So, they’re just used as a deceitful heartthrob; you know, to pluck your heartstrings because the polar bears might die out (Warmer Quotes)
I enjoy some physical stuff. But if I had a choice between playing a scene where it’s raining, it’s terribly cold, I’m wet and I’m being drowned and playing a scene with dinosaur eggs in a laboratory, I’d probably take the latter. It’s warmer and generally more comfortable! (Warmer Quotes)
Heat can never pass from a colder to a warmer body without some other change, connected therewith, occurring at the same time (Warmer Quotes)
.. the fields might fall to fallow and the birds might stop their song awhile; the growing things might die and lie in silence under snow, while through it all the cold sea wore its face of storms and death and sunken hopes... and yet unseen beneath the waves a warmer current ran that, in its time, would bring the spring (Warmer Quotes)
The cause of rain is now, I consider, no longer an object of doubt. If two masses of air of unequal temperatures, by the ordinary currents of the winds, are intermixed, when saturated with vapour, a precipitation ensues. If the masses are under saturation, then less precipitation takes place, or none at all, according to the degree. Also, the warmer the air, the greater is the quantity of vapour precipitated in like circumstances... Hence the reason why rains are heavier in summer than in winter, and in warm countries than in cold (Warmer Quotes)
The days draw out, the weather gets warmer, and it’s what we call summer, with a bitter laugh when we’ve said it (Warmer Quotes)
It is a curious truth that many cats enjoy warmer, more convivial, even affectionate relationships with humans than they could ever do with fellow felines (Warmer Quotes)
According to any textbook on dynamic meteorology, one may reasonably conclude that in a warmer world, extratropical storminess and weather variability will actually decrease (Warmer Quotes)
A hug from a samurai girl is warmer than a heap of blankets and more meaningful than a pile of words (Warmer Quotes)
If I’d have gone to art school, or stayed in anthropology, I probably would have ended up back in film... Mostly I just followed my inner feelings and passions... and kept going to where it got warmer and warmer, until it finally got hot... Everybody has talent. It’s just a matter of moving around until you’ve discovered what it is (Warmer Quotes)
Life and death lived inside each other. That’s what occured to me. Death was inside all of us, waiting for warmer nights, a compromised system, a beetle, as in the now dying black timber on the mountains (Warmer Quotes)
I think humor is warmer, and wit is colder. Wit is judgment, whereas humor invites some sort of response (Warmer Quotes)
As best as can be determined, the world is now warmer than it has been at any point in the last two millennia, and, if current trends continue, by the end of the century it will likely be hotter than at any point in the last two million years (Warmer Quotes)
We should conserve evil just as we should conserve the forests. It is true that by thinning and clearing the forests the earth grew warmer (Warmer Quotes)
Although the shooting war is over, we are in the midst of a cold war which is getting warmer (Warmer Quotes)
I’ve neither beauty, money, nor rank, yet every foolish boy mistakes my frank interest for something warmer, and makes me miserable. It is my misfortune. Think of me what you will, but beware of me in time, for against my will I may do you harm (Warmer Quotes)
I felt like I’d been swimming so hard, and the water growing warmer and warmer the closer I got to the top. I wasn’t there yet, but now I could see the surface, rippling just beyond my fingers (Warmer Quotes)
The sensation inside me grows warmer and spreads out from my chest down through my body out along my arms and legs to the tips of my being. Instead of satisfying me the kisses have the opposite effect of making my need greater (Warmer Quotes)