Wars Quotes

Text Quotes
Unless we do things in this country to slow down our population, slow down our birth control, provide better water for people, provide power for people, we’re gonna find out that the next wars are not going to be fought over diamonds, gold and political things (Wars Quotes)
After two world wars, the collapse of fascism, nazism, communism and colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history (Wars Quotes)
And so I’m saying that, yes, colonialism was terrible, and I describe it as a legacy of wars, but we ought to be moving away from that by now (Wars Quotes)
It goes without saying that when survival is threatened, struggles erupt between peoples, and unfortunate wars between nations result (Wars Quotes)
How many wars have been caused by fits of indigestion, and how many more dynasties have been upset by the love of woman than by the hate of man? (Wars Quotes)
I have always been vitally interested in physical conditioning. I have long believed that athletic competition among people and nations should replace violence and wars (Wars Quotes)
The best newspapermen I know are those most thrilled by the daily pump of city room excitements; they long fondly for a good murder; they pray that assassinations, wars, catastrophes break on their editions (Wars Quotes)
The savants will write excellent volumes. There will be laureates. But wars will continue just the same until the forces of the circumstances render them impossible (Wars Quotes)
I will not by the noise of bloody wars and the dethroning of kings advance you to glory: but by the gentle ways of peace and love (Wars Quotes)
We’re all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is supposed to give us life and a better life and is supposed to bring out our best self. When it results in mass destruction and hatred and anxiety, it’s the antithesis I think of what religion was designed to do (Wars Quotes)
I do think you are supposed to go through wars with your child because otherwise the tearing apart that has to happen when they go off to lead their own life would be unbearable (Wars Quotes)
We assume that we’ve come so far as compassionate citizens of the world if we do choose to read the news, yet the attitude towards life can be one where we put blinders on and forget that there are civil wars going on. It’s easy to forget that there are so many people starving to death every single day (Wars Quotes)
I have seen lonely people of advancing age, yet as constant as angels, keeping faith to those they loved who fell in wars that current generations, not having known them, cannot even forget. The sight of them moving hesitantly among the tablets and crosses is enough to break your heart (Wars Quotes)
We don’t need holy wars. What we need is tolerance and brotherhood and simple humanity (Wars Quotes)
Wars should be fought with words, not bombs, not weapons. And calm words. I think that wars should be fought over a chessboard and a cup of something to drink (Wars Quotes)
If I had my way, I’d end all wars and poverty. We should all be more aware of what’s going on in the world around us and less ignorant (Wars Quotes)
Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don’t want it. What appears bad manners, an ill temper or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone (Wars Quotes)
Time can play all sorts of tricks on you. In the blink of an eye, babies appear in carriages, coffins disappear into the ground, wars are won and lost, and children transform, like butterflies, into adults (Wars Quotes)
For although this was a very heroic war, with a parade of every sort of high moral principle, and with the most sonorous language employed upon both sides, it somehow failed to bring about either the reformation or the ruin of humankind: and after the conclusion of the murdering and general breakage, the world went on pretty much as it has done after all other wars, with a vague notion that a deal of time and effort had been unprofitably invested, and a conviction that it would be inglorious to say so (Wars Quotes)
Consider the stars. Among them are no passions, no wars. They know neither love nor hatred. Did man but emulate the stars, would not his soul become clear and radiant as they are? But man’s spirit draws him like a moth to the ephemera of this world, and in their heat he is consumed entire (Wars Quotes)
Let us be separated by wars and pestilence, death, madness but not by the passing of time (Wars Quotes)
He saw a picture in his mind of a terrible piling up of the dead. It came from his contemplation of the church, but it had its own clarity: the row on row, the deep rotting earth hollowed out to hold them, while the efforts of the living, with all their works and wars and great buildings, were no more than the beat of a wing against the weight of time (Wars Quotes)
You must remember what you are and what you have chosen to become, and the significance of what you are doing. There are wars and defeats and victories of the human race that are not military and that are not recorded in the annals of history. Remember that while you’re trying to decide what to do (Wars Quotes)
Peace as a positive condition of society, not merely as an interim between wars, is something so unknown that it casts no images on the mind’s screen (Wars Quotes)
I know of no wars started by anyone to impose lack of religion on someone else (Wars Quotes)
It were indeed to be wish’d that our art had been less ingenious, in contriving means destructive to mankind; we mean those instruments of war, which were unknown to the ancients, and have made such havoc among the moderns. But as men have always been bent on seeking each other’s destruction by continual wars; and as force, when brought against us, can only be repelled by force; the chief support of war, must, after money, be now sought in chemistry (Wars Quotes)
Wars of aggression are the most barbarous of all human endeavors and are, more often than not, the instruments of insane tyrants who hear voices (Wars Quotes)
Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run (Wars Quotes)
I expect to see trade wars, foreign policy disasters, a few race riots, a decrease in personal liberty, higher taxes, higher inflation and probably, economic collapse. The silver lining is, secession will probably become more feasible (Wars Quotes)
If governments were kind, they’d realize that conficts are resolved and wars prevented not by armies but by ordinary people (Wars Quotes)