Wars Quotes

Text Quotes
It is not our sexual preferences, the color of our skin, the language we speak, nor the religion we practice that creates friction, hatred and wars amongst in society. It is our words and the words of our leaders that can create that disparity (Wars Quotes)
Politics is never about the people. It’s about money. And wars. And how many heads you can step on and bodies you can step over. And I’m just not that kind of person (Wars Quotes)
In this world we see nothing but diversity. Everyone thinks separate ideas and wants to develop a separate identity. They fight wars with each other. They destroy each other’s identities (Wars Quotes)
The vast majority of beings who incarnate on this planet are at the stage of their evolution where power is the dominant theme. They are learning about power. That is why we live in a world where there are so many wars and so much destruction (Wars Quotes)
People on this planet are currently preparing to blow themselves up in ultimate thermonuclear wars. We are living among beings whose state of mind is destruction (Wars Quotes)
The imbalance I speak of in the world, which we see manifested in wars, violence, poverty and other depressed social conditions stems from a lack of knowledge (Wars Quotes)
We live in a world of wars and wars alarms, of famines, of oppression. While there are many wonderful people in this world, you’ll notice one curious fact about them, they all suffer, they all die, and sometimes those who are the nicest seem to suffer the most (Wars Quotes)
Peaceful disputes are maintained when men sincerely believe that they are morally, logically correct about the issues at hand. It is when neither side is really certain that wars are instigated (Wars Quotes)
Spring is on the way; summer is on the way; storms are on the way; wars are on the way; sorrow and happiness are on the way; they are all on the way, they are coming! Everything is on the way! Life is a highway; while we are moving on the way, all else is coming towards us! Devil is on the way; angel is on the way! Stay firm on the way! (Wars Quotes)
If enough citizens believe their national security’s in jeopardy then politicians who propose wars will receive the support they need (Wars Quotes)
Wars are no longer waged in the name of a sovereign who must be defended; they are waged on behalf of the existence of everyone; entire populations are mobilized for the purpose of wholesale slaughter in the name of life necessity: massacres have become vital (Wars Quotes)
Humanity has understood nothing. Religious, tribal, national wars continue. The world continues to be in a sea of blood (Wars Quotes)
I hate wars and violence but if they come then I don’t see why we women should just wave our men a proud goodbye and then knit them balaclavas (Wars Quotes)
We must surely appear to the world as exactly what we are: a nation that organizes its economy around consuming twice as much oil as it produces, and around the profligate wastefulness of the wars and campaigns required to defend such consumption. In recent years we have defined our national interest largely in terms of the oil fields and pipelines we need to procure fuel (Wars Quotes)
One day, a new ideal will arise, and there will be an end to all wars. I die convinced of this. It will need much hard work, but it will be achieved? The important thing, until that happens, is to hold one’s banner high and to struggle? Without struggle there is no life (Wars Quotes)
The nuclear arms race has no military purpose. Wars cannot be fought with nuclear weapons. Their existence only adds to our perils (Wars Quotes)
We say peace and the echo comes back from the other side, war. We don’t want wars even when we win (Wars Quotes)
Until women assume their rightful place on earth there will never be an end to wars, cruelty and oppression (Wars Quotes)
That is why we live in a world where there are so many wars and so much destruction. This is an arena of power (Wars Quotes)
It would be virtually impossible to finance wars without taxing the people, and the welfare system would be limited because there wouldn’t be enough money in the bank to sustain it as it is, and that would help prices stay under control (Wars Quotes)
Radical changes of identity, happening suddenly and in very brief intervals of time, have proved more deadly and destructive of human values than wars fought with hardware weapons (Wars Quotes)
Wars are begun by frightened men. They fear war, but more than that, they fear what will happen if they don’t start one or take equivalent action, I suppose (Wars Quotes)
Most wars are fought for greed, but we are luckier here we fight for our lives and the lives of the people we love (Wars Quotes)
Wars based on principle are far more destructive... the attacker will not destroy that which he is after (Wars Quotes)
The word religion has such bad connotations for me, that it’s been responsible for wars, and it shouldn’t be that way at all, it’s just the way the meaning of the word has evolved to me. I have to wonder what we did on this planet before religion (Wars Quotes)
The bloodiest, most brutal wars fought, all based on religious hatred. Which is fine with me! Any time a bunch of holy people want to go out and kill each other I’m a happy guy! (Wars Quotes)
Great nations do not succumb through lost wars, but rather through racial decay and the destruction of their internal order (Wars Quotes)
I know not whether taxes are raised to fight wars, or wars are fought in order to raise taxes (Wars Quotes)
I have just come up with a wonderful solution to end all wars. Let me give directions on how to get there (Wars Quotes)
All wars are sacred to those who have to fight them. If the people who started wars didn’t make them sacred, who would be foolish enough to fight? (Wars Quotes)