Wary Quotes

Text Quotes
An enemy will train us in watchfulness; for if he be wary to seize on every error and trip us, we shall be more heedful to expose nothing, and this will drive us to prudence and thoughtfulness (Wary Quotes)
People are even more wary of politicians and they are realizing that democracy isn’t just about putting a cross on a ballot every four years, it’s about deciding what you want and fighting for it (Wary Quotes)
Let me begin by saying that I am one of those naturally wary people who considers the verb return a kind of insidious threat (Wary Quotes)
Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk (Wary Quotes)
Those people who are always improving never become great. Greatness is an eminence, the ascent to which is steep and lofty, and which a man must seize on at once by natural boldness and vigor, and not by patient, wary steps (Wary Quotes)
I started off as many fathers do. I enjoyed the good bits, but I was wary of the responsibility. But now I love being a dad (Wary Quotes)
Gossip is a very dangerous tool. We should be more wary of the gossiper, and not the gossip they’re trying to relay to you (Wary Quotes)
Why do people want to know exactly who I am? Am I a poet? Am I this or that? I’ve always made people wary. First they called me a rock poet. Then I was a poet that dabbled in rock. Then I was a rock person who dabbled in art (Wary Quotes)
We should be similarly wary of accepting common opinions; we should judge them by the ways of reason not by popular vote (Wary Quotes)
It is the simple hypotheses of which one must be most wary; because these are the ones that have the most chances of passing unnoticed (Wary Quotes)
One should always be wary of anyone who promises that their love will last longer than a weekend (Wary Quotes)
Be wary of those who seek to steal your dream. Be even more wary of those who seek to tell you what your dream should be (Wary Quotes)
Habit, of which passion must be wary, may all the same be the sweetest part of love (Wary Quotes)
I am always wary of decisions made hastily. I am always wary of the first decision, that is, the first thing that comes to my mind if I have to make a decision. This is usually the wrong thing. I have to wait and assess, looking deep into myself, taking the necessary time (Wary Quotes)
It was as if they had leapt over the arduous cavalry of conjugal life and gone straight to the heart of love. They were together in silence like an old married couple wary of life, beyond the pitfalls of passion, beyond the brutal mockery of hope and the phantoms of disillusion: beyond love. For they had lived together long enough to know that love was always love, anytime and anyplace, but it was more solid the closer it came to death (Wary Quotes)
The middle path makes me wary... But in the middle of my life, I am coming to see the middle path as a walk with wisdom where conversations of complexity can be found, that the middle path is the path of movement... In the right and left worlds, the stories are largely set... We become missionaries for a position... practitioners of the missionary position. Variety is lost. Diversity is lost. Creativity is lost in our inability to make love with the world (Wary Quotes)
He has made me wary of chronological snobbery. That is, he showed me that newness is no virtue and oldness is no vice. Truth and beauty and goodness are not determined by when they exist. Nothing is inferior for being old, and nothing is valuable for being modern. This has freed me from the tyranny of novelty and opened for me the wisdom of the ages (Wary Quotes)
... Grandpa’s mind had left us, gone wild and wary. When I walked with him I could feel how strange it was. His thoughts swam between us, hidden under rocks, disappearing in weeds, and I was fishing for them, dangling my own words like baits and lures (Wary Quotes)
It takes time to love someone properly, and in this business, you get very wary of people (Wary Quotes)
I’m very wary about giving advice. I think it’s very dangerous to give advice to people, except if you know them very well (Wary Quotes)
We should be wary of politicians who profess to follow history while only noticing those signposts of history that point in the direction which they themselves already favour (Wary Quotes)
I have to admit that until recently I was somewhat wary of the warming debate. But I believe it is now our responsibility to take the lead on this issue (Wary Quotes)
Did we but compare the miserable scantiness of our capacities with the vast profundity of things, truth and modesty would teach us wary language (Wary Quotes)
Voters are looking for credibility and are wary of polish. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter which candidate can more deftly read a teleprompter (Wary Quotes)
Be wary of passing the judgment: obscure. To find something obscure poses no difficult, elephants and poodles find many things obscure (Wary Quotes)
I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence (Wary Quotes)
Of this be wary. Honor and fame are often regarded as interchangeable. Both involve an appraisal of the individual... But I suggest this difference. Fame is morally neutral (Wary Quotes)
People would like better batteries but they are wary of making investments. What is required is both a technology push and a market pull (Wary Quotes)
Even though some in our government may claim that civil liberties must be compromised in order to protect the public, we must be wary of what we are giving up in the name of fighting terrorism (Wary Quotes)
But, as you have intimated, I am among those who would be very wary of any military action in the light of Saddam Hussein’s willingness to allow the weapons inspectors to go in (Wary Quotes)