Washington Quotes

Text Quotes
This business of saying the same thing over and over and over again ” which to a lot of Washington insiders and pundits is boring ” works. (Washington Quotes)
Republicans spent too much money, borrowed too much money, earmarked too much. In this race, I’m the only guy who hasn’t spent time in Washington. (Washington Quotes)
Few Americans have ever met their Congresspeople. They don’t see them at the grocery store; they don’t meet them at the bowling alley. They’re more likely to see their representatives in photographs from the Daily Grill in Washington, D.C., than at a local town hall. (Washington Quotes)
Every generation has an obligation to leave its children in a better position than it inherited. Our representatives in Washington are breaking faith with that covenant. America must reduce its federal spending and accumulation of debt for the sake of generations to come. (Washington Quotes)
Like you, I’m fed up with business as usual in Washington. Send me to Congress, and I won’t tweak our broken system. I’ll shut it down. (Washington Quotes)
In the spring of 2007, Israeli intelligence brought to Washington proof that the Assad regime in Syria was building a nuclear reactor along the Euphrates - with North Korean help. This reactor was a copy of the Yongbyon reactor the North Koreans had built, and was part of a Syrian nuclear weapons program. (Washington Quotes)
In fact, the United States is building up its trident nuclear sub fleet in the Pacific, based at Bangor, Washington to build up its capabilities to wage nuclear war. (Washington Quotes)
One of the tragedies of the Bush administration is that we went back to business as usual, make a deal with the Democrats, let’s all be friends in Washington philosophy. (Washington Quotes)
Families and businesses are tightening their belts to make ends meet - and Washington should too (Washington Quotes)
The reason that last-ditch political maneuvering has become business as usual in Washington is that the actors involved are drunk on blame and are convinced that the voting public is, too. They count on outrage, thereby spreading numbness. They cherish the prospect of partisan fury, thereby inspiring nonpartisan disgust. (Washington Quotes)
Keep your money in the first place. Let`s make our companies competitive and let`s make good business decisions dominate their decision making, not what`s good for Washington carve outs. (Washington Quotes)
While Washington pays lip service to the challenges facing small businesses, it repeatedly chooses its own expansion over results. In effect, government has become a huge silent partner in all businesses, often taking a majority of the profits and forcing many unprofitable business decisions without the risk that it will be fired. (Washington Quotes)
There is so much uncertainty out there, and the government in Washington doesn’t seem to get it. What’s needed is a new business environment. (Washington Quotes)
The country has moved off track. The people in Washington don’t have the hard-nosed business experience needed to get the economy up and running. (Washington Quotes)
The best thing government can do now is get out of the way and let small businesses innovate, hire and grow. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen unless Washington stops increasing regulations, taxes and other blocks to business growth. (Washington Quotes)
The idea that the business world’s needs get ignored in Washington is perpetuated by business so it can fulfill even more of its needs, real or imagined. (Washington Quotes)
I’m the guy who’s started businesses, I’ve been a small business owner. I’ve employed hundreds of Pennsylvanians. I know how to get jobs moving in the private sector, rein in the excesses in Washington, and bring some balance to a town that’s lost all balance. (Washington Quotes)
I eventually settled in Washington, where my partners and I have been fortunate to build a restaurant business that now employs thousands of Americans across the country. (Washington Quotes)
There are over 170,000 pages of regulations in Washington, D.C. I want to streamline the rules in the federal government to basically allow businesses to grow without fear of burdensome federal regulations. That’s a passion to me, regulatory reform. (Washington Quotes)
Washington is like playing the Super Bowl, only there are no timeouts, no potty breaks, and the arena is filled with the media. In government, you have to learn to put yourself second in a big way. But I am a business person at heart. I like to be in charge. (Washington Quotes)
In a fashion similar to the leftist occupiers on Wall Street, their antics would be the target of rabid moral indignation on the front pages of the New York times and Washington Post and on the lead stories of every cable news show. (Washington Quotes)
At its worst, Washington is a place where name-calling partisan politics too often trumps policy (Washington Quotes)
The New Dealers have all left Washington to make way for the car dealers (Washington Quotes)
When Ford sells a car, a dealer isn’t allowed to take out the engine and put a different one in. When a newsstand sells the Washington Post, no one can go to the newsstand and pay them to rip out the classified section and put their own classified section in - if they could, they would do so. (Washington Quotes)
Our government has failed us. From the billion-dollar bailouts to the ‘stimulus’ package that failed to stimulate to the government takeover of health care, you cried ‘Stop!’... but the Democratic Majority in Washington has refused to listen. (Washington Quotes)
Government is, by its very nature, a destroyer of liberties; the Obama administration, specifically, is promising to interfere with the economy and the health care system so profoundly that Washington will soon have us all in chains. (Washington Quotes)
If you’re looking for someone to go to Washington, to go along to get along, to get - to agree with the career politicians in both parties who get in bed with the lobbyists and special interests, then I ain’t your guy. (Washington Quotes)
The career politicians in Washington had transformed a government for the people into a government for themselves and for special interests. (Washington Quotes)
I had been involved in the March on Washington in 1963. I was with friends carrying a sign, ‘Protestants, Jews and Catholics for Civil Rights.’ (Washington Quotes)
I would say that the Pentagon Papers case of 1971 - in which the government tried to block the The New York Times and The Washington Post that they obtained from a secret study of how we got involved in the war in Vietnam - that is probably the most important case. (Washington Quotes)