Washington Quotes

Text Quotes
The Populist Caucus is the only caucus in Congress devoted solely to addressing middle class economic issues. We formed the caucus because the founding members felt like there wasn’t enough focus on middle class issues in Washington, and we’re going to keep it focused on middle class issues. (Washington Quotes)
I didn’t come to Washington to fight against my Republican colleagues, or even against my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. I came to Washington to fight for the values that make our country unique - for the economic freedom that gives life to the American Dream. (Washington Quotes)
It was not until I got my first job, at the University of Washington in Seattle, and began playing chess with Don Gordon, a brilliant young theorist, that I learned economic theory. (Washington Quotes)
Washington is a place where politics and economics often aren’t on speaking terms (Washington Quotes)
I went to Washington several times at the request of different parties to talk about education reform. I used to always say I felt like I needed to take a shower after I left, because it was so partisan that I just really hated it. (Washington Quotes)
I will continue to work in Washington to oppose any efforts to expand drilling off our Coasts and to challenge my colleagues to adopt responsible energy policies. (Washington Quotes)
Washington was taken by surprise by the Egyptian revolution because policy experts focused too much on Mubarak and his government, and too little on the ‘voice of the people.’ (Washington Quotes)
I’ve kissed in the rain so many times. I think one of my first kisses was in the rain. It was in Washington, D.C., with some kid named Dash, in eighth grade. It was in the rain. (Washington Quotes)
During the Reagan Administration, so much attention was devoted to fighting Marxism in Nicaragua and El Salvador that Washington lost sight of longer-term challenges in other countries. (Washington Quotes)
If you liked El Salvador, you’re going to love Colombia. It’s the same death squads, the same military aid, and the same whitewash from Washington. (Washington Quotes)
Anyone who has been around Washington politics long enough can’t avoid this truism: Election-year money is like a rushing river that invariably finds cracks in any dam the reformers erect. (Washington Quotes)
People of conscience in our leadership in Washington have been scared off by the right and the fossil fuel lobbies. They won’t even use the term sustainability or climate change in an energy bill, which is ludicrous on its face. It completely ignores the elephant in the room that we’re all dealing with. The average American doesn’t even believe climate change is real, they think it’s all a hoax. (Washington Quotes)
When Mr. Obama entered office, he said all the right things about getting Washington spending under control. He even promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Obviously, that didn’t happen. (Washington Quotes)
Immanuel Kant famously claimed that ‘he who wills the ends wills the means,’ but he never spent much time in Washington. (Washington Quotes)
Unfortunately, some in Washington remain tied to the dogma that responsible energy development cannot be achieved without taking a wrecking ball to the environment. (Washington Quotes)
Enough is enough. Enough of the waste. Enough of the spending. Enough of the debt. Enough of the arrogance in Washington, D.C. (Washington Quotes)
It is true what is said in Washington - ‘No matter how cynical you get, it’s never enough to catch up.’ (Washington Quotes)
In my entire time in Washington, I treated everyone with respect, with civility (Washington Quotes)
I grew up in Chillum Heights in the Washington, D.C. area., and it was never a garden spot. When guys go, ‘Hey, when I grew up, my neighborhood was tough, and it was this and that’... the reality is that it was just a terribly sad place. And thank God, I was able to escape it. (Washington Quotes)
And I spent that time working as an insurance adjuster and going to law school in the evening, and then when I left law school, I joined the Department of Justice in Washington. (Washington Quotes)
I have always been a big meta guy because I think the way journalism is practiced in Washington, and the way everyone sort of cohabitates in the same fishbowl is ultimately a bigger part of the story than people outside of the fishbowl really know. (Washington Quotes)
You often see in Washington those who disagree you described as stupid or evil. It’s one of the most unfortunate trends of modern political discourse. Portraying opponents as too dumb to know the truth but smart enough and wanting people to suffer. (Washington Quotes)
Remember Henry Adam’s jest that the succession of presidents from Washington to Grant disproved the theory of evolution? (Washington Quotes)
Listen, Bernie Sanders talks about how Washington is corrupt, both parties are in bed with the lobbyists and special interests. I think he’s exactly right. (Washington Quotes)
It’s important to use executive orders. Every president since Washington has. (Washington Quotes)
I don’t think we’ve ever had a president who has more disdain for Washington than Barack Obama does, and he does things with executive orders or rules that you don’t even see. (Washington Quotes)
The Washington leadership has put aside non-proliferation programmes and devoted its energies and resources to driving the country to war by extraordinary deceit, then trying to manage the catastrophe it created in Iraq. (Washington Quotes)
My message to Washington is very simple. Face reality. Be leaders. Demonstrate accountability. Engage in principle compromise. And understand your job is to find solutions. (Washington Quotes)
But in his Farewell Address, George Washington made it clear that he perceived no greater threat to the American experiment than a partisan demagogue who ‘agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against the other’ (Washington Quotes)
So who’s perfect? ... Washington had false teeth. Franklin was nearsighted. Mussolini had syphilis. Unpleasant things have been said about Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde. Tchaikovsky had his problems, too. And Lincoln was constipated. (Washington Quotes)