Washington Quotes

Text Quotes
It is only in Washington where many still have a lingering animosity for the political parties. My friends, we need to get over it. (Washington Quotes)
Join us in the fight to defeat the Washington machine. It’s fun and easy to get started. You can make a difference and change the direction of our country! Join today. (Washington Quotes)
I go to assume a task more difficult than that which devolved upon Washington. Unless the great God, who assisted him, shall be with me and aid me, I must fail; but if the same omniscient mind and almighty arm that directed and protected him shall guide and support me, I shall not fail - I shall succeed. (Washington Quotes)
As long as the working-people fold hands and pray the gods in Washington to give them work, so long they will not get it. (Washington Quotes)
The message is pretty clear: Americans are sick and tired of the doubletalk coming out of Washington, of us going home and saying we’re conservative and then coming up here and voting for 10,000 earmarks. We can’t fool America anymore; the media is too good. They’re reporting what we’re really doing. (Washington Quotes)
How prophetic L’Enfant was when he laid out Washington as a city that goes around in circles! (Washington Quotes)
There are a lot of people who go to Washington or go to their state houses with a personal ambition in mind. (Washington Quotes)
We saw what happened in Jimmy Carter’s administration. President Carter was a good man with the best of intentions. But he came to Washington without a good working relationship with Democratic members of Congress, which played a big part in his administration’s problems. (Washington Quotes)
Washington, D.C. is what is broken, not the immigration policies. We have good laws. We have people suffer every day because of government’s failure to enforce the law and be respectful to the process we have. We have a pathway to citizenship already in place. (Washington Quotes)
In every thriller written about Washington, particularly after 9/11, there are good guys and there are bad guys, and there’s no gray area at all. (Washington Quotes)
Ever since I arrived in Washington in April 2009, I have been fighting for more transparency and accountability in government. (Washington Quotes)
I think the country’s getting disgusted with Washington partly because of the decline of civility in government. (Washington Quotes)
Our best protection against bigger government in Washington is better government in the states (Washington Quotes)
Sometimes when I get home at night in Washington I feel as though I had been in a great traffic jam. (Washington Quotes)
I remember, after graduating high school, I got a part in a play with the Washington Shakespeare Festival - a little part. But I remember thinking this would be a great way of making a living... to be an actor. I never really thought I’d make a lot of money at it. (Washington Quotes)
There have been two periods in my lifetime when the excitement of government and of public issues drew to Washington many of the bright young people graduating from colleges and law schools. These were essentially the Roosevelt and the Kennedy years. (Washington Quotes)
Washington, D.C., has everything that Rome, Paris and London have in the way of great architecture - great power bases. Washington has obelisks and pyramids and underground tunnels and great art and a whole shadow world that we really don’t see. (Washington Quotes)
All institutions have lapses, even great ones, especially by individual rogue employees - famously in recent years at ‘The Washington Post,’ ‘The New York Times,’ and the three original TV networks. (Washington Quotes)
I come from a town of great musicians: Washington, D.C. It’s no joke, that history. (Washington Quotes)
From the late David Broder on down, the most powerful and influential of the great Washington columnists and journalists tend to cultivate the driest, least lively voices possible. (Washington Quotes)
My dad had the greatest admiration for MacArthur when they were working together in Washington before the Philippines. And Dad used to talk with absolute awe about MacArthur’s brain. (Washington Quotes)
People like Hillary Clinton think you grow the economy by growing Washington (Washington Quotes)
When you were growing up in the 30s, 20s, of course the 40s, all black people at least in the Washington, D.C., area were required to live among themselves. (Washington Quotes)
As a young person growing up in Washington, D.C., summers were hot, humid and relentless. My friends and I grew more restless and adventurous with every passing year. (Washington Quotes)
The United States encouraged Iraqis to rise up after Saddam Hussein’s army was driven out of Kuwait. Washington assumed Saddam was weak after losing the 1991 Gulf War. Iraqis rose up, but Saddam’s troops killed thousands - Iraqis say tens of thousands - in a counter-offensive. (Washington Quotes)
They got some people that are saying, hey, elect me as president. Hey, Washington couldn’t handle Si Robertson. Trust me. (Washington Quotes)
There is an extraordinary degree of amity among Washington poets. They hang together. You would be hard pressed to find that in Manhattan. (Washington Quotes)
I really think that people’s right to happiness shouldn’t be dictated by some policymaker in Washington, D.C. I’ve come to know a lot of people that - sexual orientation is such where they’re in love with people from the same sex, and I just don’t think it’s our role in the government to say, ‘No you can’t be married.’ (Washington Quotes)
President Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi represent what mainstream America is rejecting about Washington, D.C. And that is this out of touch with the people. (Washington Quotes)
If as a voter you think what we need is more Republicans in Washington to cut a deal with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, then I guess Donald Trump`s your guy. (Washington Quotes)