Waste Quotes

Text Quotes
This is mainly because I spend a lot of time writing and so don’t have much time to read; I hate to waste that time reading what may turn out to be junk food for the mind, when there’s so much real writing to be read (Waste Quotes)
I have had time to analyze my feelings. I am certain that they are totally neurotic, sexist, silly, and a big waste of time (Waste Quotes)
Most human beings today waste some 25 to 30 years of their lives before they break through the actual and conventional lies which surround them (Waste Quotes)
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before (Waste Quotes)
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills. It is not the effort nor the failure tires. The waste remains, the waste remains and kills (Waste Quotes)
I watched my mother waste her life on housework and swore I’d never do that. Dave does the cooking (Waste Quotes)
It has been my policy not to respond to each of the many canards which have been part of the campaign to discredit my investigation, nor to waste time trying to prove negatives (Waste Quotes)
To pay out millions upon millions of dollars in bonuses for incomplete work, poor performance, and unacceptable products is the height of government waste and mismanagement (Waste Quotes)
The current system punishes communities which make the investment in creating landfills, only to have them filled by states which refuse to adequately address their waste issues (Waste Quotes)
Waste no time with revolutions that do not remove the causes of your complaints but simply change the faces of those in charge (Waste Quotes)
I do not want to waste any time. And if you are not working on important things, you are wasting time (Waste Quotes)
I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it’s not a waste of time (Waste Quotes)
Speakers are not supposed to waste time on platitudes, but the capacity of this generation for ignoring the obvious and concentrating on the negative and the obscure is immense (Waste Quotes)
I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to it (Waste Quotes)
Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars, its feet for the swords; it continueth, though an army lay waste the pasture; it comforteth when there are no medicines; it hath the relish of manna; and by it do men live in the desert (Waste Quotes)
Romantics might like to think of themselves as being composed of stardust. Cynics might prefer to think of themselves as nuclear waste (Waste Quotes)
The most important thing in the kitchen is the waste paper basket and it needs to be centrally located (Waste Quotes)
Women are responsible for their children, they cannot sit back, waste time and see them starve (Waste Quotes)
Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy, you can’t build on it it’s only good for wallowing in (Waste Quotes)
What I was trying to convey there was the kind of waste land that was left after the war. It was a bit like one always thinks of war, you know, stark scenery and no birds, no trees, no leaves, nothing living. And just emptiness (Waste Quotes)
For me, the work begins with a rough cut of the film. I can’t do much with the script. I’ve tried to write music to a script prior to seeing the film, but I’ve found it turns out to be a waste of time (Waste Quotes)
I’m not gonna waste your time, so I wouldn’t expect you to waste my time (Waste Quotes)
It’s a national concern, I mean how we dispose of nuclear waste in a safe way, how we deal with this incredible amount of nuclear waste we have created over the years (Waste Quotes)
My mother’s illness fitted into this protest against the treatment of the sick who could not pay, the inefficiency of commercialism, the waste, the extravagance, and the poverty (Waste Quotes)
I don’t dwell in the past; I don’t wallow in old events and emotions. I don’t waste time on regret. No use going over and over the details of what already happened (Waste Quotes)
You need to learn to see and compose. The more time you waste worrying about your equipment the less time you’ll have to put into creating great images. Worry about your images, not your equipment (Waste Quotes)
There is nothing sadder in this world than the waste of human potential. The purpose of evolution is to raise us out of the mud, not have us grovelling in it (Waste Quotes)
My father’s nature turned out no waste product; he had none of that useless stuff in him that lies in heaps near factories. He took his own happiness with him (Waste Quotes)
We are all dietetic sinners; only a small percent of what we eat nourishes us; the balance goes to waste and loss of energy (Waste Quotes)
By the breaking in of enraged merciless armies, flourishing countries have been laid waste, great numbers of people have perished in a short time, and many more have been pressed with poverty and grief (Waste Quotes)