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It’s hard for me to even watch comedies I’m in  (Watch Quotes) You watch people and study them the way an alien would  (Watch Quotes) When the sun is setting, leave whatever you are doing and watch it  (Watch Quotes) I don’t have a television. No. So, I don’t watch anything  (Watch Quotes) Watch out world, we’re here to change ya!  (Watch Quotes) It’s really fun to watch yourself disappear in the movie every day  (Watch Quotes) To this day I still watch tons of horror  (Watch Quotes) People watch three or four episodes at a time of their shows  (Watch Quotes) Watch your actions, they become your habits  (Watch Quotes) Watch your character for your character is your destiny  (Watch Quotes) Watch your habits, they determine your character  (Watch Quotes) Watch your thoughts, they become your words  (Watch Quotes) If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made  (Watch Quotes) There are some movies I can watch over and over, never get sick of  (Watch Quotes) The gift of an image is that it provides a place to watch your soul  (Watch Quotes) When you love, you should always watch the quality of your love  (Watch Quotes) Why do people watch fights?... They watch it for inspiration  (Watch Quotes) Costumes are fun. Dress up like a pilot some night and watch as people stare!  (Watch Quotes) Nobody wants to watch perfect people  (Watch Quotes) When you make your mark in the world, watch out for the envious with erasers  (Watch Quotes) The key to getting work done on time is to stop wearing a watch  (Watch Quotes) However little television you watch, watch less  (Watch Quotes) Look at your watch now. You’re still a super hot female  (Watch Quotes) I’m not a time person. A watch is not good for me  (Watch Quotes) There are two things nobody should ever have to watch being made, sausage and laws  (Watch Quotes) The fact that I have a job that people even watch is an incredible gift  (Watch Quotes) In order to see a fish you must watch the water  (Watch Quotes) Know and watch your heart. It’s pure but emotions come to colour it  (Watch Quotes) Notorious is a masterwork. I can watch it every day  (Watch Quotes) A watch is the most essential part of a lecture  (Watch Quotes)
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