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A good writer can watch a cat pad across the street and know what it is to be pounced upon by a Bengal tiger  (Watch Quotes) A man's got two shots for jewelry: a wedding ring and a watch. The watch is a lot easier to get on and off than a wedding ring  (Watch Quotes) I look away at car crashes, and I know people who look away at car crashes, because it makes us uncomfortable to watch other people in pain  (Watch Quotes) Sweet souls around us watch us still, press nearer to our side; into our thoughts, into our prayers, with gentle helpings glide  (Watch Quotes) Wear your learning like your watch, in a private pocket; and do not pull it out, and strike it, merely to show that you have one  (Watch Quotes) The stars whirled above us and the firecrackers blazed. The moon stood watch as drops of blood fell, careless seeds that sizzled in the snow  (Watch Quotes) A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty  (Watch Quotes) Care keeps his watch in every old man's eye, and where care lodges, sleep will never lie; but where unbruised youth with unstuff'd brain doth couch his limbs, there golden sleep doth reign  (Watch Quotes) Why, let the strucken deer go weep, the hart ungalled play; for some must watch while some must sleep, thus runs the world away  (Watch Quotes) Advice to children crossing the street: damn the lights. Watch the cars. The lights ain't never killed nobody  (Watch Quotes) I apologize for being obvious, but every time I watch the curtain come down on even a halfway decent production of a Shakespeare play I feel a little sorrowful that I'll never know the man, or any man of such warm intelligence  (Watch Quotes) You are thought here to be the most senseless and fit man for the constable of the watch, therefore bear you the lantern  (Watch Quotes) Good Gertrude, set some watch over your son. - this grave shall have a living monument. An hour of quiet shortly shall we see; till then in patience our proceeding be  (Watch Quotes) We are inclined that if we watch a football game or baseball game, we have taken part in it  (Watch Quotes) If you read a lot of books, you're considered well read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well viewed  (Watch Quotes) I have to admit that when I watch a movie in which there is no moral context for the violence - I find that offensive. I think that's potentially damaging to society  (Watch Quotes) I'm the type who'd be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn't going to. I'm the type who'd like to sit home and watch every party that I'm invited to on a monitor in my bedroom  (Watch Quotes) Two nights together had these gentlemen, Marcellus and Bernardo, on their watch in the dead waste and middle of the night been thus encountered  (Watch Quotes) Maybe if everybody in leadership was a woman, you might not get into the conflicts in the first place. But if you watch the women who have made it to the top, they haven't exactly been non-aggressive - including me  (Watch Quotes) She shall watch all night: and if she chance to nod I'll rail and brawl and with the clamour keep her still awake. This is the way to kill a wife with kindness  (Watch Quotes) The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day. Now spurs the lated traveller apace to gain the timely inn, and near approaches the subject of our watch  (Watch Quotes) It's a fact that more people watch television and get their information that way than read books. I find new technology and new ways of communication very exciting and would like to do more in this field  (Watch Quotes) Short time seems long in sorrow's sharp sustaining; though woe be heavy, yet it seldom sleeps, and they who watch see time how slow it creeps  (Watch Quotes) I was always raised on cowboy films, and then when I could start making choices about the movies I wanted to watch I found myself wanting to watch gangster films which were slightly more sophisticated than the baseline stuff that was in westerns  (Watch Quotes) Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up  (Watch Quotes) I'm not dead and I don't have blue hair but some people say there are similarities. It is usually intolerable to watch myself onscreen but this time it's fine. I think it's beautiful and a real work of art  (Watch Quotes) What? I! I love! I sue! I seek a wife! A woman that is like a German clock, still a repairing, ever out of frame, and never going aright; being a watch, but being watch'd that it may still go right!  (Watch Quotes) My lord shall never rest; I'll watch him tame and talk him out of patience; his bed shall seem a school, his board a shrift; I'll intermingle everything he does With Cassio's suit  (Watch Quotes) The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change  (Watch Quotes) I didn't watch much TV as a kid and I don' t watch it now. I don' t find anything beautiful or unique to the medium, and the only thing you can do on TV that you can't do in film is make a continuing story - which is so cool!  (Watch Quotes)
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