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I think soccer is more respected now than it ever has been. You can see that in the numbers of young kids who are playing and the numbers of people who are coming to watch  (Watch Quotes) Every time I get tested, I ask questions about it, and I watch how they do it  (Watch Quotes) We can either allow our youth to shoot baskets or watch them continue to shoot people  (Watch Quotes) You might have a favorite book or film, but you can only watch or read it so many times before you have to let it sit and then go back and realize it’s your favorite still. At some point everything gets a little stale and you have to step away from it  (Watch Quotes) More teenagers go to movies or rent a tape of a movie than sit down and watch sitcoms on television  (Watch Quotes) How lovely are the portals of the night, when stars come out to watch the daylight die  (Watch Quotes) I certainly remember building model rockets. It was fun to watch the rocket blast into the air, suspenseful to wonder if the parachute would open to bring the rocket safely back  (Watch Quotes) I try to go to the gym three times a week. And I have to watch what I eat. I’m a normal person  (Watch Quotes) The more you expose yourself as a celebrity, the less interesting you are to watch in your work, because if you’re putting yourself out there all the time, you’re not holding anything back  (Watch Quotes) I think that’s good that I have to watch how I act and what I say. I think that’s a part of growing up  (Watch Quotes) And the actors tend not to want to watch themselves very often. I’m one of those guys  (Watch Quotes) I think once you’ve finished a movie you really have to detach from it so that you can come back and watch it as an audience member  (Watch Quotes) Also, it was a cultural moment that wasn’t being represented in terms of women who were successful and had choices they didn’t have before. They needed a show that they can watch that they felt like represented them  (Watch Quotes) Every time I see a good play or watch a good movie, I have the same feeling I had as a child of wanting to be that person on stage or wanting to run through the forest with a big dress on  (Watch Quotes) I hardly ever watch my own work. I just end up picking myself apart! I can’t even stand to hear myself on voicemail. the sound of my own voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The same goes for my records  (Watch Quotes) I like some of the early silent films because I love to watch how actors had to play then. What would interest me today is to do a silent film  (Watch Quotes) When I was a kid, I would watch the grands prix. Everyone dreamt of becoming a race driver, while I only started thinking about it when I was 18 or 19. Only at that age did I seriously start thinking about this job. Before then, I would change ideas from one second to the next  (Watch Quotes) I’m not the type to sit on the porch and watch life go by  (Watch Quotes) So, first you have to be able to play with a metronome. Then you take your freedom. If you play in an orchestra, you got to watch the conductor, he is like a metronome, but it is more difficult because he can change rhythms  (Watch Quotes) I watch mediocre shows that have been on for three or four seasons, and feel angry at them  (Watch Quotes) We can see cities during the day and at night, and we can watch rivers dump sediment into the ocean, and see hurricanes form  (Watch Quotes) I got too fed up with films that didn’t make you think. I liked the idea of one that you’d have to be dancing around with. I like my mind to be engaged when I watch a film  (Watch Quotes) I knew nothing about the independent film industry. I didn’t know much about the industry itself. All I knew was how to watch movies, how to enjoy them, how to hate them, how not to like them  (Watch Quotes) You may grow very quickly the first two years and then watch the business decline, unless you really start selling product at any price range with various degrees of quality  (Watch Quotes) We must watch over our modesty in the presence of those who cannot understand its grounds  (Watch Quotes) You can make a good show, but you still need some magical alchemy to get people to watch  (Watch Quotes) The perception is that more important people watch news in the evenings than in the mornings  (Watch Quotes) I know that you’ve got to watch how you spend all the dollars. That’s not the easiest thing to do. That’s not what people think is the most fun thing to do, but it’s the right thing to do  (Watch Quotes) I had the opportunity to be around my kids a lot. I guess I could have kept working, but I had them when I was 47. You only get to see all this stuff once. I just chose to work at home and watch them  (Watch Quotes) I don’t think any actor feels comfortable watching themselves in movies. You must be very narcissistic. The problem with your own opinion of yourself is that contrary to the normal spectators, when you watch a film you are in, you only watch yourself  (Watch Quotes)
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