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No matter what people say, your fans are the ones that come to watch the movie or come to your shows and that’s the most important thing  (Watch Quotes) I think being a movie star is about whether an audience can watch you and care about you  (Watch Quotes) Daytime has been successful all these years because it caters to a very real need in the audience – to see something that’s not nighttime fantasy. People watch daytime because it’s like their lives  (Watch Quotes) I run upright mostly when I see daylight, so if you watch film you’ll see I don’t get hit in the chest much  (Watch Quotes) I’ve done the same thing in the world of business that winners do in the game. I watch them, admire them  (Watch Quotes) There’s nothing more exciting than to watch a story break and grow, and to be the first one to present it to the world  (Watch Quotes) I’m one of those guys a lot of people watch, imitate, and then make it seem like they were the ones who did it first  (Watch Quotes) The atmosphere seems to change once the sun goes down and the race fans get to watch a good show  (Watch Quotes) I don’t like to watch playback. But being on the set, watching the way the camera is being moved and the way the light is being used, you do get an idea of it  (Watch Quotes) I once got a letter from a woman who told me she was 90. She said if she were 30 years younger, I would have had to watch out. I guess 60 seems really young when you’re 90. She said she would eat me with a spoon  (Watch Quotes) I watch old school film so that I can learn so much that I just sort of miss all the new stuff  (Watch Quotes) I am still learning every day not to watch other people’s careers and compare  (Watch Quotes) When you think about it, we actors are kind of prostitutes. We get paid to feign attraction and love. Other people are paying to watch us kissing someone, touching someone, doing things people in a normal monogamous relationship would never do with anyone who’s not their partner. It’s really kind of gross  (Watch Quotes) I only really watch my own films, I don’t watch any other films and I don’t particularly like any other actors  (Watch Quotes) Now you watch the parades and processions of hopeful and despairing people walking outside your tomb. They are all looking for the answer to the problem you know so well  (Watch Quotes) The five million people who watch cable news are the political nation, the people who really care  (Watch Quotes) I went on television and I wouldn’t say a word; I feel so stupid when I watch them again  (Watch Quotes) You know, all writers are vampires and they’ll look around and they watch you when you’re not even thinking they’re watching you and they’ll slip stuff in  (Watch Quotes) Holidays are about experiences and people, and tuning into what you feel like doing at that moment. Enjoy not having to look at a watch  (Watch Quotes) I don’t watch a lot of featherweight fights yet some of those fights are the best fights ever  (Watch Quotes) I can’t just sit around and do nothing. Although, I can sit on the couch sometimes and just watch movies  (Watch Quotes) Command those that govern your house before all you household that they keep careful watch that all your household, within and without, be faithful, painstaking, chaste, clean, honest and profitable  (Watch Quotes) I’m blessed with a good pair of ears. That’s how I fooled my piano teacher. I’d watch his fingers and I’d listen to it, and I just kind of basically learned it by myself  (Watch Quotes) It would be ugly to watch people poking sticks at a caged rat. It is uglier still to watch rats poking sticks at a caged person  (Watch Quotes) Watch out when you’re getting all you want. Fattening hogs ain’t in luck  (Watch Quotes) Mr. Clinton better watch out if he comes down here. He’d better have a bodyguard  (Watch Quotes) Somehow I got to be one of five or six actors that the directors would use as guinea pigs at this directing colloquium, where people pay to listen to and watch the directors direct  (Watch Quotes) When I started out, I preferred to watch my films without music, as its presence tends to mask the underlying pace of the film. I felt I could feel the rhythm of the film better without music to influence me  (Watch Quotes) To establish yourself as a leading man, you’re shooting for the smallest point on the target, and you get a lot of judgment thrown at you. It takes a lot for them to get past everything and just watch your art and what you’re doing  (Watch Quotes) I want to play music when I want, write a song if I want or watch a baseball game if I want  (Watch Quotes)
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