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I like to watch mankind in its futile attempt to understand the unknown, when they don’t even understand that which they know  (Watch Quotes) I gained 60 pounds, and I’m proud of it. Why do I need to watch my weight when I’m pregnant? I could eat whatever the hell I want to eat  (Watch Quotes) I never quite understand why we watch the news. There doesn’t really seem much point watching somebody tell you what the news is when you could quite easily listen to it on the radio  (Watch Quotes) Some of the supporting roles that I’ve done as an actor, I took them because I knew that I would get to watch some of the leading guys in the movies, and also I’d get to work with them  (Watch Quotes) You can judge a leader by the size of the problem he tackles... Other people can cope with the waves, it’s his job to watch the tide  (Watch Quotes) It is no use asking me or anyone else how to dig... Better to go and watch a man digging, and then take a spade and try to do it  (Watch Quotes) Very good coaches for ski jumpers stand at the top of the slope and watch the jumpers prepare, rather than standing at the bottom and watching them land  (Watch Quotes) We assume that celebrities have it easy and so love to watch them having to endure a bit of hardship  (Watch Quotes) If you wanted to torture me, you’d tie me down and force me to watch our first five videos  (Watch Quotes) My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it  (Watch Quotes) Whatever the right hand findeth to do, the left hand carries a watch on its wrist to show how long it takes to do it  (Watch Quotes) The funny thing about television is that once you start to do it you never get time to watch it  (Watch Quotes) There are a handful of actors who sustain interest because it’s exciting to watch them get better at what they do. I want to be one of those actors  (Watch Quotes) I had to watch government fail for 25 years doing consumer reporting before I really saw it because intuitively, the reaction is problem, bring government and government will make it better  (Watch Quotes) Why is it so painful to watch a person sink? Because there is something unnatural in it, for nature demands personal progress, evolution, and every backward step means wasted energy  (Watch Quotes) When I was young, I would go to the races and it was an unbelievable feeling when you’d watch them race  (Watch Quotes) The cybermen are good monsters, I think. My earliest memories are of the cybermen from when I used to watch when I was younger. It’s nice to have them back  (Watch Quotes) All they had to do was put my name on a marquee and watch the money roll in  (Watch Quotes) I watch a lot of professional skating, and I am really looking forward to going to nationals  (Watch Quotes) Who had the bigger burden? The one who had to watch the other person endure or the one who endured?  (Watch Quotes) News is something that happens that matters to you, which is not most of what we watch on television  (Watch Quotes) I’ve always thought that it’s good to watch the news to find out what everybody else is looking at and believing, if only because that’s how consensus is constructed  (Watch Quotes) I do like reality shows, and I watch some of them because they’re high drama. It’s also just fun to watch people have honest reactions  (Watch Quotes) By exercise. I’ll tell you one thing, you don’t always have to be on the go. I sit around a lot, I read a lot, and I do watch television. But I also work out for two hours every day of my life, even when I’m on the road  (Watch Quotes) Wherever we play golf, people come out here to get autographs. They obviously come out to watch us play and see us in action, but they also want to interact with us  (Watch Quotes) My theory of hitting was just to watch the ball as it came in and hit it  (Watch Quotes) There are three types of baseball players: Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen and those who wonder what happens  (Watch Quotes) We make the kind of movies we like to watch. I love to laugh. I love to be amazed by how beautiful it is. But I also love to be moved to tears. There’s lots of heart in our films  (Watch Quotes) It’s hard to watch something go on and be talking at the same time  (Watch Quotes) I don’t make a habit of watching tennis matches, but I try to watch all the major finals. I try to make time for that. So unless I have something going with the kids where I can’t, I try to watch, and I enjoy that  (Watch Quotes)
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