Watching Quotes

Text Quotes
For watching death, and above all, after death; not death in battle, but death after battle, brings one to certain indifferences that are also a form of death (Watching Quotes)
I’ve realized that you become a bully if you are just watching someone get bullied and you don’t say anything. Speak up! (Watching Quotes)
As much as I like watching horror films, I never thought I would act in them (Watching Quotes)
The most amazing thing is when you find yourself watching someone in the cafe or something doing something weird. It’s amazing what people do, isn’t it, when you just look at them, when you take the time to look (Watching Quotes)
I really dislike watching myself on screen. I am very insecure about my acting. We are our own biggest critics. I have to sit in another room to my parents when they watch it (Watching Quotes)
Just as young people absorb all kinds of messages from the media, young girls learn what it means to be a woman by watching the older women in their lives (Watching Quotes)
I do hope that for the young women watching the show they know it is heightened reality and just grown ups playing teenagers. That’s not how it is supposed to go. Just keep it to yourself (Watching Quotes)
I have a hard time watching people getting punched on screen; I have to close my eyes a lot (Watching Quotes)
One of the things I like about a character: I always think it’s fascinating when a character can turn on a dime and go from one emotion to another. I like watching that (Watching Quotes)
They seem much rarer now, those auteur films that come out of a director’s imagination and are elliptical and hermetic. All those films that got me into independent cinema when I was watching it seem thin on the ground (Watching Quotes)
Watching these channels all day is incredibly depressing. I live in a constant state of depression. I think of us as turd miners. I put on my helmet, I go and mine turds, hopefully I don’t get turd lung disease (Watching Quotes)
Ive always had this rule of thumb: If you have fun making it, then someone will have fun watching it (Watching Quotes)
Ive learned a tremendous amount over the years by watching designers work. I now have a good understanding of what sits well on the body, not to mention the importance of a great cut and quality (Watching Quotes)
A man does not see where he treads in battle, for he is watching the enemy (Watching Quotes)
The future isn’t just something that happens. It’s a brutal force, with a great sense of humor, that’ll steamroll you if you’re not watching (Watching Quotes)
It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen (Watching Quotes)
When you stand up there and do a press conference, it’s a very preoccupied moment. You’re standing in front of cameras; people are watching you; it’s not so easy to be at ease (Watching Quotes)
My parents played bridge, and I remember being fascinated watching them. I sometimes got a chance to sit in on a hand, which I loved. But then I didn’t actually play on my own for about 30 years (Watching Quotes)
Why spend 18 hours watching someone else’s war, when you know how it comes out? We win, and then have to buy all their cars (Watching Quotes)
Most movies, I forget about them while I’m watching them. I go every single day. But I’ve never thought about participating in any way. It’s like being at home all day. It was never a goal to me (Watching Quotes)
You grow up watching certain films or admiring certain filmmakers, and to write a love letter to one and have them validate it, it’s extraordinary (Watching Quotes)
Coaches have the worst hours in the world. They go home maybe twice a week. They’re sleeping in their office. They’re watching film. It’s a brutal, brutal job and that’s why I respect them so much (Watching Quotes)
I’ve gotten to watch a lot of football games. Growing up, watching sports, watching people compete, whether it’s my brothers or teammates. I grew up observing and taking it all in. It’s kind of my attitude (Watching Quotes)
I’ve let go of being a super perfectionist on every single note and wanting the pitch to be absolutely perfect all of the time. I grew up watching the best of the best (Watching Quotes)
There’s no better satisfaction than watching the people around you, who have worked day and night to get something right, realising the dream (Watching Quotes)
The thing that I love about television there are no more than two or three people watching you at a time. If there are more than two or three people in a room they’re talking to each other, they’re not listening to you (Watching Quotes)
My greatest memories as a kid were playing sports with my dad and watching sports with my dad (Watching Quotes)
If you say one gets influenced watching a character, I think its foolish. Cinema reflects society; society rarely reflects cinema (Watching Quotes)
Chilling out on the bed in your hotel room watching television, while wearing your own pajamas, is sometimes the best part of a vacation (Watching Quotes)
Setting is my primary joy as a writer, building a world and watching people respond to it (Watching Quotes)