Watching Quotes

Text Quotes
Up the road, in his shack, the old man was sleeping again. He was still sleeping on his face and the boy was sitting by him watching him. The old man was dreaming about the lions (Watching Quotes)
It was a train wreck happening right in front of me and I couldn’t do anything about it, except that not only was I watching, I was also the train (Watching Quotes)
Watching them, she realized they made so much sense together. Every look, every touch, was a reassurance, almost electric, as if they were shocking each other with every contact (Watching Quotes)
Surely he knows we are all watching. That I am watching. It is always that way when you are in a group and someone decides to go for a swim or walk to the water. The ocean is a giant stage. It is natural that the others watch, if only for a moment (Watching Quotes)
I don’t think of myself as being a celebrity, it’s too mortifying. I have a hard time watching myself on screen and it’s getting worse. I can’t tell whether my work is good or not (Watching Quotes)
Home is watching the moon rise over the open, sleeping land and having someone you can call to the window, so you can look together. Home is where you dance with others, and dancing is life (Watching Quotes)
Now it was coming to an end, and it was like he was watching the last flicker of light wink out in the darkness of an endless tunnel (Watching Quotes)
Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you’re probably watching the wrong channel (Watching Quotes)
People are watching the way we act, more than they are listening to what we say (Watching Quotes)
We were always getting away with something, which implied that someone was always watching us, which mean were are not alone in this world (Watching Quotes)
She gave me this look – she might have been watching from a lifeboat as the ship went down. Or maybe it was the other way around (Watching Quotes)
I’m tired of watching you be in love with someone else someone who will never love you back, not the way I do (Watching Quotes)
Adrian stood there leaning against the doorframe, watching me with his heart in his eyes. In my chest, my own heart was breaking. On my cheek, the lily reminded me who I was (Watching Quotes)
Dad nods, looks me dead in the eyes; slowly and regretfully, he banishes all the smiling and joking from his face, and for once he’s just my dad, watching his son who has fallen so low (Watching Quotes)
Mutually counting on each other, watching each other’s backs, forcing each other to be brave (Watching Quotes)
How do you know you’re having fun if there’s no one watching you have it? (Watching Quotes)
She liked to imagine him stealing a glimpse of her over the backyard fence, proudly watching his strange daughter daydream under the beech tree. Blue was awfully fond of her father, considering she’d never met him (Watching Quotes)
Jericho lay back down on his side, watching her breathe just an arm’s length from him. She was not beautiful while she slept; her mouth hung open and she snored very lightly, and this, despite everything that had happened, made him smile (Watching Quotes)
I am watching the stars, admiring their complex trajectories through space and time. I am trying to give a name to the force that set them in motion (Watching Quotes)
He wanted to tell her that everything he had done he had done because he was broken, because watching her die had destroyed him, but there was no way to say it that didn’t sound like he was trying to pin the blame outside himself (Watching Quotes)
Or maybe watching you enjoy a carefree summer while you fell in love was what kept me out of the hospital in the first place (Watching Quotes)
Do the things that interest you and do them with all your heart. Don’t be concerned about whether people are watching you or criticizing you. The chances are that they aren’t paying attention to you (Watching Quotes)
You know how it’s going to end, but instead of spoiling things, that somehow increases your fascination. It’s like watching a kid run his electric train faster and faster and waiting for it to derail on one of the curves (Watching Quotes)
The truth is, normal might take years. Normal might never happen. But it’s definitely not going to happen if I lounge around here watching soaps and avoiding life. I’m going to school today, end of story (Watching Quotes)
I’d rather sing one wild song and burst my heart with it, than live a thousand years watching my digestion and being afraid of the wet (Watching Quotes)
It’s always surprising to be reminded that while you’re watching and thinking about people, all knowing and superior, they’re watching and thinking about you, right back at you (Watching Quotes)
You didn’t see him watching you dance with your dad. His eyes got all shiny. I thought he was going to cry. And on the way up here, in the elevator, he tried to play it off, but I could totally tell he was nervous (Watching Quotes)
A woman’s place is in the kitchen... sitting in a comfortable chair, with her feet up, drinking a glass of wine and watching her husband cook dinner (Watching Quotes)
There was something sweet in watching him pull himself back together, restoring the façade he wore for the world while I knew at least a little of the man beneath it (Watching Quotes)
You are angry, and you watch it. You are not just angry, a new element is introduced into it: you are watching it. And the miracle is that if you can watch anger, the anger disappears without being repressed (Watching Quotes)