Waters Quotes

Text Quotes
We cannot claim to love God, if we continue to live in unclean environment and pollute the waters. God gave man and woman the authority to rule every living creature and to safeguard the living resources. We have a duty to perform and responsibility to fulfil this role. (Waters Quotes)
Life is a voyage across troubled waters where our days are often spent clinging to the top of the highest mast, scouting for a comforting glimpse of shore. (Waters Quotes)
Ever see a skinny guy on a cold day? You know they tremble like Chihuahuas. Then you see a fat guy in a tank top - nine degrees, he’s sweatin’. Look at ‘Titanic,’ remember the boat goes into the icy cold waters? Little skinny Leonardo: dead. Final scene, Kathy Bates on a rowboat, coat open, eating a hotdog. (Waters Quotes)
The Gulf Waterkeepers are our first line of defense against the BP oil disaster. Their incredible knowledge of the marshes, wetlands, beaches and inner-coastal waters make them invaluable first responders. Their commitment makes them critical and effective community leaders. (Waters Quotes)
In pursuing reform, we have to navigate uncharted waters. We may also have to confront protracted problems because we will have to shake up vested interests. (Waters Quotes)
Socialised humanity represses nature and degrades human nature; it takes life and waters it down - probably to control it - diluting existence with water that is lukewarm, sweet and murky. (Waters Quotes)
When I was a kid, we didn’t have any blues stations. I never heard Howlin’ Wolf or Muddy Waters or any of those people until the Stones had come along, and I took it upon myself to find out who these people were that they were covering. (Waters Quotes)
I’m a curious person, and I always like to test new waters, and I’ve always jumped into the cold water and then started to think about how to swim. (Waters Quotes)
The weathercocks on spires and housetops were mysterious with hints of stormy wind, and pointed, like so many ghostly fingers, out to dangerous seas, where fragments of great wrecks were drifting, perhaps, and helpless men were rocked upon them into a sleep as deep as the unfathomable waters. (Waters Quotes)
Memories have huge staying power, but like dreams, they thrive in the dark, surviving for decades in the deep waters of our minds like shipwrecks on the sea bed. (Waters Quotes)
Any debut novel is usually a case of spitting into the wind - or, just maybe, casting your bread upon the waters. Without an established audience in place, first-time authors have to hope for resonant word of mouth and a receptive reviewer or three. (Waters Quotes)
I have photographed sharks in waters around the globe, and I always want more and yearn to peer deeper into their world. To feed my passion and to raise awareness, I developed a story about sharks for ‘National Geographic’ magazine. (Waters Quotes)
Still waters run deep. All things change until we wake. Dreams drift in the wind. (Waters Quotes)
Somewhere in the midst of smudgy maps, following waters, surviving the storms, and deep, deep digging.. treasure is found. (Waters Quotes)
Teaching does allow me to keep one foot in the youthful waters I tend to occupy in my novels, so I’m thankful for that. My students also remind me on a daily basis that the stories I collected during my district attorney days are actually interesting to people who haven’t had that experience. (Waters Quotes)
Playing along in the yard, The blue sky sparkles against the earthly green,Creating such harmony!A pond, nearby.Untroubled waters mirrors the ether’s dreams.A grand echo of my Divine Heart!I am One (Waters Quotes)
Don’t Trust BlindlyIf in shark infested waters, don’t assume the fin coming toward you is a dolphin. (Waters Quotes)
I feel like a different person since my mum passed away, like I’m driving a ship with my husband alongside me and we’re leading these four children into unknown waters. (Waters Quotes)
I learned from Ethel Waters, Duke Ellington, Adelaide Hall, the Nicholas Brothers, the whole thing, the whole schmear. [The Cotton Club] was a great place because it hired us, for one thing, at a time when it was really rough [for Black performers]. (Waters Quotes)
Life has evolved to thrive in environments that are extreme only by our limited human standards: in the boiling battery acid of Yellowstone hot springs, in the cracks of permanent ice sheets, in the cooling waters of nuclear reactors, miles beneath the Earth’s crust, in pure salt crystals, and inside the rocks of the dry valleys of Antarctica. (Waters Quotes)
Real security, in other words, is inseparable from issues of energy policy; education; public health; preservation of soils, forests, and waters; and broadly based, sustainable prosperity. (Waters Quotes)
Sometimes the waters of our spirits are churned and murky, and it is difficult to tap the reservoirs of our innate wisdom and knowledge. But the waters will settle as we do. Quietly and gently encourage yourself to go inside. Clarity will come. (Waters Quotes)
Fossil fuel corporations are supposed to pay the government fair market royalties in exchange for the right to drill on public lands or in federal waters. (Waters Quotes)
I didn’t think I was a famous singer. I didn’t think I was a star or that I could make the waters part - just that singing was what I was going to do. (Waters Quotes)
It was there that, through a mutual friend, I met John Waters - proving what I’ve always said: you meet the best people on field trips. (Waters Quotes)
The first glance from the eyes of the beloved is like the spirit that moved upon the face of the waters, giving birth to heaven and earth. (Waters Quotes)
A simple fishing boat in the midst of the rippling waters is enough to awaken in the mind of the beholder a sense of vastness of the sea and at the same time of peace and contentment - the Zen sense oof the alone. (Waters Quotes)
I am asked why I live in the green mountains; I smile but reply not, for my heart is at rest. The flowing waters carry the image of the peach blossoms far, far away; there is an earth, there is a heaven, unknown to men. (Waters Quotes)
A mother’s love! O holy, boundless thing! Fountain whose waters never cease to spring! (Waters Quotes)
Not for any one man’s delight has Nature made the sun, the wind, the waters; all are free (Waters Quotes)