Way Quotes

Text Quotes
The people in power will not disappear voluntarily, giving flowers to the cops just isn't going to work. This thinking is fostered by the establishment; they like nothing better than love and nonviolence. The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high window (Way Quotes)
She felt whatever emotions she felt, but feeling was never a useful substitute for doing, and she never let the former get in the way of the latter. If anything, she used her emotions to motivate her and help her concentrate. The emphasis for her was always on doing what needed to be done (Way Quotes)
It is not by regretting what is irreparable that true work is to be done, but by making the best of what we are. It is not by complaining that we have not the right tools, but by using well the tools we have. What we are, and where we are is God's providential arrangement - God's doing, though it may be man's misdoing; and the manly and the wise way is to look your disadvantages in the face, and see what can be made our of them (Way Quotes)
Boys are capital fellows in their own way, among their mates; but they are unwholesome companions for grown people (Way Quotes)
Books had always been a way for my mother and me to introduce and explore topics that concerned us but made us uneasy, and they had also always given us something to talk about when we were stressed or anxious (Way Quotes)
Admittedly, a homosexual can be conditioned to react sexually to a woman, or to an old boot for that matter. In fact, both homo - and heterosexual experimental subjects have been conditioned to react sexually to an old boot, and you can save a lot of money that way (Way Quotes)
Watch very closely as the magical angel and I are swallowed by the rainbow twister, and left stranded on the glitter way (Way Quotes)
You have to create a form from the life that exists, not the other way around. If it comes out in these little pieces, that's what it is (Way Quotes)
We are within our life and we stay there for as long as possible, that's our home. We need life. There is too much death already, and there is probably more coming our way (Way Quotes)
It is so much easier to deal with the dead than with the living. The dead are out of the way, merely characters from stories about the past, never again unreadable, no misunderstandings possible, the pain coming from them stable and manageable. nor do you have to explain yourself to them, to justify the fact of your life (Way Quotes)
My fashion is part of who I am, and though I was not born with these clothes on, I was born this way (Way Quotes)
Intent on prayer, she has a dumb girl's sweet piercing way of putting her whole body into one thing at a time (Way Quotes)
Tonight I want to forget all your insecurities. Tonight I want you to reject anyone or anything that has made you feel like you don't belong, or don't fit in, or has made you feel like you're not good enough or pretty enough or thin enough, or like you can't sing well enough or dance well enough, or write a song well enough, or like you'll never win a grammy, or like you'll never sell out madison square garden! You just remember that you are a god damn superstar and you were born this way! (Way Quotes)
Just remember: I love you, and love yourselves. 'cause, little monsters, you were born that way baby (Way Quotes)
Only those who do not care, only those who find a way to diminish or extinguish the value of other human beings, survive wars without damage and speak of warrior honor afterward (Way Quotes)
Because if we're on the road to hell, we're going to dance the whole damn way and give them something to talk about when we're gone (Way Quotes)
A girl's got to use what she's given and I'm not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don't say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It's meant to make guys think: ‘I don't know if this is sexy or just weird (Way Quotes)
We like it the way it is. We're enjoying the oscillating balances, the ongoing war between good and evil, the wonderful small triumphs of the soul. Perhaps it's too soon to end all that. Perhaps we need some more time to think things out (Way Quotes)
Being able to write becomes a kind of shield, a way of hiding, a way of too instantly transforming pain into honey (Way Quotes)
Your life oppositions will position or disposition you in the best or worst way depending how you position or disposition your oppositions (Way Quotes)
Ignore ignorance. The ultimate way to deal with men with ignorant mentality who are ignorance of your purpose on earth is to ignore their ignorance; capitalize on their ignorance and let them appreciate your purpose in awe and admiration (Way Quotes)
When people like me, they like me "in spite of my color. " When they dislike me; they point out that it isn't because of my color. Either way, I am locked in to the infernal circle (Way Quotes)
When we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the unlovely, the strong with the fearful, the true mixed in with the façade, and of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way (Way Quotes)
Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite. " Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too (Way Quotes)
There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind (Way Quotes)
I've often hesitated in beginning a project because I've thought, "It'll never turn out to be even remotely like the good idea I have as I start. " I could just "feel" how good it could be. But I decided that, for the present, I would create the best way I know how and accept the ambiguities (Way Quotes)
Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now (Way Quotes)
The thing about her is, she's good-natured. He knew it the second he saw her standing by the parking meters. He could just tell from the soft way her belly looked. With women, you keep bumping against them, because they want different things, they're a different race. Either they give, like a plant, or scrape, like a stone. In all the green world nothing feels as good as a woman's good nature (Way Quotes)
I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending (Way Quotes)
I'm willing to show good taste, if I can, in somebody else's living room, but our reading life is too short for a writer to be in any way polite. Since his words enter into another's brain in silence and intimacy, he should be as honest and explicit as we are with ourselves (Way Quotes)