Way Quotes

Text Quotes
God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus (Way Quotes)
There is no way our little minds can comprehend the love of God. But that didn't keep him from coming (Way Quotes)
Your self image is a governor of sorts. It will never let you act in a way that is inconsistent with it (Way Quotes)
Here's a salute to a long good life: goodness that outlives the grave. love that outlasts the final breath. May you live your life in such a way that your death is just the beginning of your life (Way Quotes)
Words affect the mind in a pronounced way. Whether they are spoken or written, they are powerful influences (Way Quotes)
When perjury, that heaven defying vice, sells oaths by tale, and at the lowest price, stamps God's own name upon a lie just made, to turn a penny in the way of trade (Way Quotes)
The same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven (Way Quotes)
I had believed the Bible always, but reading it now had nothing to do with belief. It was simply a description of the way things were - of hell and heaven, of how men act and how God acts (Way Quotes)
Pity! Religion has so seldom found A skilful guide into poetic ground! The flowers would spring where'er she deign'd to stray and every muse attend her in her way (Way Quotes)
Above all, in my anger, I was sad. Isn't that always the way, that at the heart of the fire is a frozen kernel of sorrow that the fire is trying - valiantly, fruitlessly - to eradicate (Way Quotes)
Learning itself, received into a mind by nature weak, or viciously inclined, serves but to lead philosophers astray, where children would with ease discern the way (Way Quotes)
Does being happy simply create more time, in the way that being sad, as we all know, slows time and thickens it, like cornstarch in a sauce? (Way Quotes)
I thought I could get to greatness, to my greatness, by plugging on, cleaning up each mess as it came, the way you're taught to eat your greens before you have dessert (Way Quotes)
Called to the temple of impure delight He that abstains, and he alone, does right. If a wish wander that way, call it home; he cannot long be safe whose wishes roam (Way Quotes)
I want to try making things right because picking up the pieces is way better than leaving them the way they are (Way Quotes)
I am unbalanced - but I am not mad with snow. I am mad the way young girls are mad, with an offering, an offering… I burn the way money burns (Way Quotes)
There are people who take rumors and embellish them in a way that can be devastating. And this pollution has to be eradicated by people in our business as best we can (Way Quotes)
Something is happening. I sense a change in the wind…a mutual understanding of each other. I haven't felt this way in forever (Way Quotes)
I think that things happen individually first, and then collectively. It's not the other way around (Way Quotes)
Opportunity, not obligation, is the cornerstone of religion, the basis of all spirituality. So long as you see it the other way around, you will have missed the point (Way Quotes)
In this way, feelings can be tricky. Feelings are the language of the soul, but you must make sure you are listening to your true feelings and not some counterfeit model constructed in your mind (Way Quotes)
Truth and politics do not and cannot mix because politics is the art of saying only what needs to be said - and saying it in just the right way - in order to achieve a desired end (Way Quotes)
Hurt a fly! He would not for the world: he's pitiful to flies even. Sing, says he, and tease me still, if that's your way, poor insect (Way Quotes)
You feel like telling him you're not single in the way that he thinks you're single. After all, you have yourself (Way Quotes)
You are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way for you than that way in which you think it will (Way Quotes)
He wondered what a visitor from the past would make of it. It used to be the poor who were thin and the rich who were fat, now it seemed to be the other way round (Way Quotes)
I feel like I want to take care of everyone and I also feel this terrible guilt if I am unable to. And I have felt this way ever since all this success started (Way Quotes)
Time was a thief, he stole your life away from you and the only way you could get it back was to outwit him and snatch it right back (Way Quotes)
I'm not taking any interest in politics. I'm not involved in politics in any way. My life is in writing now (Way Quotes)
The discipline required for athletics carried through to writing. You call it obsession. I call it discipline. By the way, I see nothing wrong with that (Way Quotes)