We push time from us, and we wish him back;... Life we think long and short; death seek and shun

We push time from us, and we wish him back;... Life we think long and short; death seek and shun
Edward Young was an English poet and playwright known for his work on themes of death, the passage of time, and the fleeting nature of life. In his famous work, "Night Thoughts," Young explores the complexities of human existence and the struggle to come to terms with mortality. The quote, "We push time from us, and we wish him back;... Life we think long and short; death seek and shun," encapsulates the central themes of Young's work and reflects the universal human experience of grappling with the passage of time and the inevitability of death.The first part of the quote, "We push time from us, and we wish him back," speaks to the paradoxical nature of human perception of time. On one hand, we often try to distance ourselves from the relentless march of time, seeking to ignore or avoid its passing. We distract ourselves with busy schedules, technology, and other distractions in an attempt to escape the reality of our mortality. However, at the same time, we long for the moments that have slipped away, wishing we could turn back the clock and relive cherished memories or undo past mistakes. This constant push and pull between embracing and rejecting time is a central theme in Young's work and reflects the human struggle to come to terms with the fleeting nature of life.
The second part of the quote, "Life we think long and short; death seek and shun," further explores the complexities of human perception of time and mortality. Young suggests that we often view life as both too long and too short, depending on our circumstances and perspective. When faced with challenges or suffering, life can feel unbearably long, dragging on endlessly without relief. Yet, when we are happy and content, life can seem all too short, slipping away before we have had a chance to fully savor it. Similarly, we simultaneously seek and shun death, fearing the unknown and the end of our existence while also longing for release from the struggles and pain of life.