We Quotes

Text Quotes
We live in what is, but we find 1,000 ways not to face it. Great theatre strengthens our faculty to face it (We Quotes)
We do not choose the day of our birth nor may we choose the day of our death, yet choice is the sovereign faculty of the mind (We Quotes)
When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home (We Quotes)
Man is not an end but a beginning. We are at the beginning of the second week. We are children of the eighth day (We Quotes)
The difference between a little money and no money at all is enormous...and the difference between a little money and an enormous amount of money is very slight (We Quotes)
The comic spirit is given to us in order that we may analyze, weigh, and clarify things in us which nettle us, or which we are outgrowing, or trying to reshape (We Quotes)
The dead don't stay interested in us living people for very long. gradually, gradually, they let go hold of the Earth... and the ambitions they had... and the pleasures they had... and the things they suffered... and the people they loved. they get weaned away from Earth— that's the way I put it—weaned away (We Quotes)
People were always asking for good sound proofs; doubt springs eternal in the human breast, even in countries where the inquisition can read your very thoughts in your eyes (We Quotes)
There may be two equally good, equally gifted, equally beautiful, but there may never be two that love one another equally well (We Quotes)
All the idols made by man, however terrifying they may be, are in point of fact subordinate to him, and that is why he will always have it in his power to destroy them (We Quotes)
Why one man rather than another? it was odd. you find yourself involved with a fellow for life just because he was the one that you met when you were nineteen (We Quotes)
It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our lives that we must draw our strength to live and our reasons for living (We Quotes)
Insects were scurrying about in the shade cast by the grass, and the lawn was a huge monotonous forest of thousands of little green blades, all equal, all alike, hiding the world from each other. anguished, she thought, I don't want to be just another blade of grass (We Quotes)
She was beautiful, with a beauty so severe and so solitary that at first it was startling. Ah! if only there were two of me, she thought, one doing the talking and one listening, one living and one watching, how I would love myself. I'd envy no one (We Quotes)
It was as though some stubborn god spent their time in an immutable and absurd balancing act between life and death, prosperity and poverty (We Quotes)
Since it is the other within us who is old, it is natural that the revelation of our age should come to us from outside — from others. We do not accept it willingly (We Quotes)
Man is a talking animal and he will always let himself be swayed by the power of the word. Machines won't change human nature (We Quotes)
We always come back to the same vicious circle an extreme degree of material or intellectual poverty does away with the means of alleviating it (We Quotes)
The fact that we are human beings is infinitely more important than all the peculiarities that distinguish human beings from one another (We Quotes)
The curse which lies upon marriage is that too often the individuals are joined in their weakness rather than in their strength each asking from the other instead of finding pleasure in giving (We Quotes)
On the day when it will be possible for woman to love not in her weakness but in strength, not to escape herself but to find herself, not to abase herself but to assert herself on that day love will become for her, as for man, a source of life (We Quotes)
A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything (We Quotes)
Pray to God that your attachment to such transitory things as wealth, name, and creature comforts may become less and less every day (We Quotes)
If you first fortify yourself with the true knowledge of the Universal Self, and then live in the midst of wealth and worldliness, surely they will in no way affect you (We Quotes)
Longing is like the rosy dawn. After the dawn out comes the sun. Longing is followed by the vision of God (We Quotes)
Those who wish to attain God and progress in religious devotion, should particularly guard themselves against the snares of lust and wealth. Otherwise they can never attain perfection (We Quotes)
It is true that God is even in the tiger, but we must not go and face the animal. So it is true that God dwells even in the most wicked, but it is not meet that we should associate with the wicked (We Quotes)
One can easily realize God if one is free from guile. Spiritual instruction produces quick results in a guileless heart. Such a heart is like well cultivated land from which all the stones have been removed. No sooner is the seed sown than it germinates. The fruit also appears quickly (We Quotes)
The vanities of all others may gradually die out, but the vanity of a saint regarding his sainthood is hard indeed to wear away (We Quotes)
Sunlight is one and the same wherever it falls; but only a bright surface like that of water, or of a mirror reflects it fully. So is the light Divine. It falls equally and impartially on all hearts, but the pure and pious hearts of holy men receive and reflect that light well (We Quotes)