We Quotes

Text Quotes
Each of us knows that we have an obligation to care for the old, the young and the sick. We stand strongest when we stand with the weakest among us (We Quotes)
I think President Obama is trying to deceive the public in pretending that he was not a part of Congress that has made some decisions in the past that got us to where we are today (We Quotes)
The lesson of the last year is this: foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality, and our President would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office - that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault (We Quotes)
They think that, if we were just smart enough, we'd be able to understand their policies. And I so want to tell 'em, and I do tell 'em, Oh, we're plenty smart, oh yeah - we know what's goin' on. And we don't like what's goin' on. And we're not gonna let them tell us to sit down and shut up (We Quotes)
We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America's friends from her enemies, and recognizes the true threats that we face (We Quotes)
We need American sources of resources, we need American energy, brought to you by American ingenuity and produced by American workers (We Quotes)
We tend to prefer candidates that don't talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco (We Quotes)
When oil and gas prices went up dramatically and filled up the state treasury, I sent a large share of that revenue back where it belonged - directly to the people of Alaska (We Quotes)
...Lest anyone try to convince you that God should be separated from the state, our founding fathers, they were believers. And George Washington, he saw faith in God as basic to life (We Quotes)
My son Track...He's gonna be deployed in September to Iraq. Pray... For this country, that our leaders... Are sending out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan (We Quotes)
Sen. Obama said that he wants to spread the wealth and he wants government to take your money and decide how to best to redistribute it according to his priorities (We Quotes)
While we recognize the occurrence of these natural, cyclical environmental trends, we can't say with assurance that man's activities cause weather changes. We can say, however, that any potential benefits of proposed emissions reduction policies are far outweighed by their economic costs (We Quotes)
I haven't heard the president say that we are at war, and that's why I too am not knowing, do we use this, the term intervention? Do we use war? Do we use squirmish? What is it? (We Quotes)
Hope is the companion of power, and the mother of success; for who so hopes has within him the gift of miracles (We Quotes)
It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done (We Quotes)
Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever (We Quotes)
We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery (We Quotes)
An intense anticipation itself transforms possibility into reality; our desires being often but precursors of the things which we are capable of performing (We Quotes)
It is energy - the central element of which is will - that produces the miracle that is enthusiasm in all ages. Everywhere it is what is called force of character and the sustaining power of all great action (We Quotes)
Men must necessarily be the active agents of their own well-being and well-doing they themselves must in the very nature of things be their own best helpers (We Quotes)
Progress however, of the best kind, is comparatively slow. Great results cannot be achieved at once; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step (We Quotes)
The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved (We Quotes)
No laws, however stringent, can make the idle industrious, the thriftless provident, or the drunken sober (We Quotes)
If we opened our minds to enjoyment, we might find tranquil pleasures spread about us on every side. We might live with the angels that visit us on every sunbeam, and sit with the fairies who wait on every flower (We Quotes)
Where there is a will there is a way. Is an old true saying. He who resolves upon doing a thing, by that very resolution often scales the barriers to it, and secures its achievement. To think we are able, is almost to be so - to determine upon attainment is frequently attainment itself (We Quotes)
Though an inheritance of acres may be bequeathed, an inheritance of knowledge and wisdom cannot. The wealthy man may pay others for doing his work for him; but it is impossible to get his thinking done for him by another, or to purchase any kind of self-culture (We Quotes)
The path of success in business is invariably the path of common-sense. Nothwithstanding all that is said about lucky hits, the best kind of success in every man's life is not that which comes by accident. The only good time coming we are justified in hoping for is that which we are capable of making for ourselves (We Quotes)
Cheerfulness is also an excellent wearing quality. It has been called the bright weather of the heart (We Quotes)
Necessity is always the first stimulus to industry, and those who conduct it with prudence, perseverance and energy will rarely fail. Viewed in this light, the necessity of labor is not a chastisement, but a blessing, the very root and spring of all that we call progress in individuals and civilization in nations (We Quotes)
Although genius always commands admiration, character most secures respect. The former is more the product of the brain, the latter of heart-power; and in the long run it is the heart that rules in life (We Quotes)