We Quotes

Text Quotes
It is energy, the central element of which is will, that produces the miracles of enthusiasm in all ages. Everywhere it is the main-spring of what is called force of character, and the sustaining power of all great action (We Quotes)
A well chosen anthology is a complete dispensary of medicine for the more common mental disorders, and may be used as much for prevention as cure (We Quotes)
Anthropologists are a connecting link between poets and scientists; though their field-work among primitive peoples has often made them forget the language of science (We Quotes)
If I were a girl, I'd despair. The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them (We Quotes)
When I sound the fairy call, gather here in silent meeting, chin to knee on the orchard wall, cooled with dew and cherries eating. Merry, merry, take a cherry mine are sounder, mine are rounder mine are sweeter, for the eater when the dews fall. And you'll be fairies all (We Quotes)
There's a cool web of language winds us in, retreat from too much joy or too much fear: We grow sea-green at last and coldly die In brininess and volubility (We Quotes)
Take your delight in momentariness, walk between dark and dark - a shining space with the grave's narrowness, though not its peace (We Quotes)
His wiles were witty and his fame far known, every king's daughter sought him for her own, yet he was nothing to be won or lost. All lands to him were Ithaca: love-tossed he loathed the fraud, yet would not bed alone (We Quotes)
It doesn't matter what's the cause, what wrong they say we're righting, a curse for treaties, bonds and laws, when we're to do the fighting! (We Quotes)
Now I begin to know at last, these nights when I sit down to rhyme, the form and measure of that vast God we call poetry, he who stoops and leaps me through his paper hoops a little higher every time (We Quotes)
Immeasurable at every hour: he first taught lovers how to kiss, he brings down sunshine after shower, thunder and hate are his also, he is yes and he is no (We Quotes)
If I were a young man and young was my lily, a smart girl, a bold young man, both of us silly. And though from time before I knew she'd stab me with pain, though well I knew she'd not be true, i'd love her again (We Quotes)
If I were a young man with my bones full of marrow, oh, if I were a bold young man straight as an arrow, i'd store up no virtue for heaven's distant plain, i'd live at ease as I did please and sin once again (We Quotes)
I protested: but all this is childish. Is there a war on here, or isn't there? The royal welch don't recognize it socially, he answered (We Quotes)
England looked strange to us returned soldiers. We could not understand the war madness that ran about everywhere, looking for a pseudo-military outlet. The civilians talked a foreign language; and it was newspaper language (We Quotes)
Cherries of the night are riper than the cherries pluckt at noon... In the cherry pluckt at night, with the dew of summer swelling, there's a juice of pure delight, cool, dark, sweet, divinely smelling (We Quotes)
Tell me, my witless, whose one boast could be your staunchness at the post, when were you made a man of parts to think fine and profess the arts? (We Quotes)
Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the answer (We Quotes)
Nine-tenths of english poetic literature is the result either of vulgar careerism or of a poet trying to keep his hand in. Most poets are dead by their late twenties (We Quotes)
Poetry is no more a narcotic than a stimulant; it is a universal bittersweet mixture for all possible household emergencies and its action varies accordingly as it is taken in a wineglass or a tablespoon, inhaled, gargled or rubbed on the chest (We Quotes)
When the days of rejoicing are over, when the flags are stowed safely away, they will dream of another wild 'war to end wars' and another wild armistice day (We Quotes)
But whatever my failure, I have this thing to remember - that I was a pioneer in my profession, just as my grandfathers were in theirs, in that I was the first man in this section to earn his living as a writer (We Quotes)
Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral (We Quotes)
The oppressors, who oppress, exploit, and rape by virtue of their power, cannot find in this power the strength to liberate either the oppressed or themselves (We Quotes)
In the banking concept of education, knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing (We Quotes)
Implicit in the banking concept is the assumption of a dichotomy between human beings and the world: a person is merely in the world, not with the world or with others; the individual is spectator, not re-creator (We Quotes)
In problem-posing education, people develop their power to perceive critically the way they exist in the world with which and in which they find themselves; they come to see the world not as a static reality, but as a reality in process, in transformation (We Quotes)
Authentic thinking, thinking that is concerned about reality, does not take place in ivory tower isolation, but only in communication. If it is true that thought has meaning only when generated by action upon the world, the subordination of students to teachers becomes impossible (We Quotes)
Founding itself upon love, humility, and faith, dialogue becomes a horizontal relationship of which mutual trust between the dialoguers is a logical consequence (We Quotes)
Those who are served by the present limit-situation regard the untested feasibility as a threatening limit-situation which must not be allowed to materialize, and act to maintain the status quo (We Quotes)