We want far better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them

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We want far better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them
Dora Winifred Black Russell, a prominent birth control advocate and women's rights activist, believed that society needed to have far better reasons for having children than simply not knowing how to prevent them. She argued that bringing children into the world should be a conscious and deliberate choice, made for reasons that go beyond mere ignorance or lack of access to contraception.Russell understood the importance of family planning and the impact that unplanned pregnancies could have on individuals, families, and society as a whole. She believed that every child should be a wanted and loved child, and that parents should have the ability to decide when and how many children to have based on their own circumstances and desires.
For Russell, the decision to have children should be a thoughtful and informed one, taking into account factors such as financial stability, emotional readiness, and the ability to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for the child. She believed that bringing a child into the world should be a joyful and fulfilling experience, not a burden or a source of hardship.
Russell also recognized the importance of women's autonomy and agency in making decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health. She fought for women's right to access contraception and family planning services, and to have control over their own fertility. She believed that women should have the freedom to choose when and if to have children, and to be able to plan their families in a way that aligns with their own goals and aspirations.