We wound our modesty and make foul the clearness of our deservings, when of ourselves we publish them
We wound our modesty and make foul the clearness of our deservings, when of ourselves we publish them
In the world of William Shakespeare, modesty was a virtue that was highly valued. The quote, “We wound our modesty and make foul the clearness of our deservings, when of ourselves we publish them,” speaks to the idea that true merit should speak for itself, and that boasting or self-promotion can actually diminish the value of one’s accomplishments.Shakespeare himself was a master of language and storytelling, but he was also known for his humility. Despite his immense talent and success, he rarely spoke of his own achievements. Instead, he let his work speak for itself. This quote reflects his belief that true greatness does not need to be flaunted or advertised, but rather should be recognized and appreciated by others.