Weak Quotes

Text Quotes
To marry a man out of pity is folly; and, if you think you are going to influence the kind of fellow who has never had a chance, poor devil, you are profoundly mistaken. One can only influence the strong characters in life, not the weak; and it is the height of vanity to suppose that you can make an honest man of anyone (Weak Quotes)
I am not so weak as to submit to the demands of the age when they go against my convictions. I spin a cocoon around myself; let others do the same. I shall leave it to time to show what will come of it: a brilliant butterfly or maggot (Weak Quotes)
The enemy is like a woman, weak in face of opposition, but correspondingly strong when not opposed. In a quarrel with a man, it is natural for a woman to lose heart and run away when he faces up to her; on the other hand, if the man begins to be afraid and to give ground, her rage, vindictiveness and fury overflow and know no limit (Weak Quotes)
It’s weak and despicable to go on wanting things and not trying to get them (Weak Quotes)
The wife was pretty, trifling, childish, weak; She could not think, but would not cease to speak (Weak Quotes)
Nothing is so secure in its position as not to be in danger from the attack even of the weak (Weak Quotes)
Praise has different effects, according to the mind it meets with; it makes a wise man modest, but a fool more arrogant, turning his weak brain giddy (Weak Quotes)
Don’t assume your child is weak. If you, the parent, assume that they can’t take anymore, what kind of signal are you sending them? (Weak Quotes)
I tell the truth, and I expose myself as a weak, misguided, misdirected, dysfunctional human being I used to be (Weak Quotes)
An evil fate has deprived me of the full use of my right hand, so that I am not able to play my compositions as I feel them. The trouble with my hand is that certain fingers have become so weak, probably through writing and playing too much at one time, that I can hardly use them (Weak Quotes)
I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap (Weak Quotes)
See how weak prose is... Presently I shall go to a bar and there one or two poets will speak to me and I to them and we will try to destroy each other or attract each other and nothing will happen because we will be speaking in prose (Weak Quotes)
Both liberty and equality are among the primary goals pursued by human beings throughout many centuries; but total liberty for wolves is death to the lambs, total liberty of the powerful, the gifted, is not compatible with the rights to a decent existence of the weak and the less gifted (Weak Quotes)
You are human and mortal; we are the sum of our weak moments and our strong (Weak Quotes)
There’s lots of kinds of chains. You can’t see most of them, the one’s that bind folks together. But people build them, link by link. Sometimes the links are weak, snap like this one did. That’s another funny thing, now that I think of it. Sometimes when you mend a chain, the place where you fix it is strongest of all (Weak Quotes)
If you cannot stand a spoon upright in the cup, then the coffee is too weak (Weak Quotes)
Winter broke off, finally, a long ash crumbling at the end of a cigarette, burned out, weak and emptied (Weak Quotes)
The city glitters past us with its sharp edges, reminding us of how tiny, how weak, how totally unimportant we are (Weak Quotes)
Honor was never taking the easy way when it was also the wrong one. Never telling a falsehood unless the truth was painful and unnecessary, or a lie was necessary to save others. Never manipulating the truth to serve only yourself. Protecting the weak and helpless; standing fast even when fear made you weak. Keeping your word (Weak Quotes)
People cain’t help being what they are any more than a skunk can help being a skunk. Don’t you think if they had their choice they would rather be something else? Sure they would. People are just weak (Weak Quotes)
A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker. The richer and more copious one’s vocabulary and the greater one’s awareness of fine distinctions and subtle nuances of meaning, the more fertile and precise is likely to be one’s thinking. Knowledge of things and knowledge of the words for them grow together. If you do not know the words, you can hardly know the thing (Weak Quotes)
I feel helpless, hopeless, too low to call out, too weak to think. Impotent tears dribble down (Weak Quotes)
People seem weak, but they’re strong. They seem strong, but they’re weak (Weak Quotes)
Three points for the dead slowly prising open the lids of their coffins. They want to hunt the living. They can’t stop. Their throats have turned to liquid and their fingers glint under the weak autumn sun (Weak Quotes)
Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. when you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul (Weak Quotes)
If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong (Weak Quotes)
Why should we tolerate a diet of weak poisons, a home in insipid surroundings, a circle of acquaintances who are not quite our enemies, the noise of motors with just enough relief to prevent insanity? Who would want to live in a world which is just not quite fatal? (Weak Quotes)
Aid workers, when handing out food to starving people, quickly learn that the people fighting for it at the front are the people who need it least. It’s the people sitting quietly at the back, too weak to fight, who need it the most. And so too with tragedy (Weak Quotes)
If the mind’s not strong, the body acts weak, even if it’s not. If the mind says it’s too cold or too rainy or too windy to run, the body will be more than happy to agree. If the mind says it would be better to rest or recover or cut practice, the body will be glad to oblige (Weak Quotes)
How true is it that humanity refuses compromise during prosperity, and reaches out for arbitration when weak (Weak Quotes)