Weak Quotes

Text Quotes
My theory is that for those of us who are too weak to remain single, God gives us a spouse. For those of us who are too hung up to handle marriage, God gives us celibacy. So, pick your weakness. Pick your poison, I guess. But anyway, for those of you who do choose to be in love and stuff, go for it (Weak Quotes)
Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one’s mind (Weak Quotes)
So long as some are strong and some are weak, the weak will be driven to the wall (Weak Quotes)
But sure there is need of other remedies than dreaming, a weak contention of art against nature (Weak Quotes)
Often try what weight you can support, and what your shoulders are too weak to bear (Weak Quotes)
There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it (Weak Quotes)
But what a weak barrier is truth when it stands in the way of an hypothesis! (Weak Quotes)
I now, weak, old, diseased, poor, dying, hold still my soul in my hands, and I regret nothing (Weak Quotes)
You’re the one who is weak. You will never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you (Weak Quotes)
If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself. If we are weak, words will be of no help (Weak Quotes)
God had no children too weak, but a great many too strong to make use of (Weak Quotes)
Our passions are not too strong, they are too weak. We are far too easily pleased (Weak Quotes)
Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people. Difference is that strong people admit their mistakes, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong (Weak Quotes)
Better to be a strong man with a weak point, than to be a weak man without a strong point. A diamond with a flaw is more valuable that a brick without a flaw (Weak Quotes)
Weak presidents are neither respected nor electorally rewarded by their publics (Weak Quotes)
I’m motivated by creating a level playing field for the world so that the weak have a chance (Weak Quotes)
We are taught that revenge is strong and compassion is weak. We are taught that power is more important than love (Weak Quotes)
As I walked down to the end of the barracks, there was applause from the men too weak to get out of bed. It sounded like the hand clapping of babies; they were so weak (Weak Quotes)
Keep a goverment poor and weak and it’s your servant; when it is rich and powerful it becomes your master (Weak Quotes)
By action and reaction do we become strong or weak, according to the character of our thoughts and mental states. Fear is the deadly nightshade of the mind (Weak Quotes)
The true purpose of the strong is to promote greater strength in the weak, and not to keep the weak in that state where they are at the mercy of the strong (Weak Quotes)
Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things (Weak Quotes)
Strong people make as many and as ghastly mistakes as weak people. The difference is that strong people admit them, laugh at them, learn from them. That is how they become strong (Weak Quotes)
You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure (Weak Quotes)
You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought (Weak Quotes)
The oppressor has always indoctrinated the weak with his interpretation of the crimes of the strong (Weak Quotes)
When a woman loves you she’s not satisfied until she possesses your soul. Because she’s weak, she has a rage for domination, and nothing less will satisfy her (Weak Quotes)
To live entirely without a goal! I have glimpsed this state, and have often attained it, without managing to remain there: I am too weak for such happiness (Weak Quotes)
Only thin, weak thinkers despise fairy stories. Each one has a true, strange fact hidden in it, you know, which you can find if you look (Weak Quotes)
That was the problem with loving people: it made you weak. It made you need them. It made the thought of not having them the worst thing in the world (Weak Quotes)