Weak Quotes

Text Quotes
I think books with weak or translucent plots can survive if the character being drawn along the path is rich, interesting and multi-faceted. The opposite is not true (Weak Quotes)
In effect, a selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity leads both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and the disadvantaged (Weak Quotes)
According to the computer models, we do expect high winds in northern Germany to increase by one percent per decade. But this is such a weak phenomenon that we won’t even notice it at first (Weak Quotes)
If you want to call a man to account, don’t do it when he is weak; call him to account when he is strong! Cowards choose the first way and the valiant choose the second way (Weak Quotes)
I wish I could say confidently that pacing remains my weak point, if you could talk about your own stuff without sounding like you’re self-obsessed. But I think you kind of have to be (Weak Quotes)
I don’t think human beings are bad. They’re weak. And that’s what makes ‘em bad (Weak Quotes)
Humanity has survived because the strong among us have, in the past, been obliged to help the weak. Without this, we would not survive (Weak Quotes)
The sobbing of the weak today is the sobbing of the victims of neoliberal policies. They consist of billions of people all over the world (Weak Quotes)
Thank God I am 20 feet tall, so my crying is never mistaken as weak. It can be mistaken as weird, but not weak (Weak Quotes)
And the mind actually does generate electrical currents - very weak ones and not necessarily ones that can be picked up by anyone else (Weak Quotes)
Does that really work, converting someone with a bumper sticker? How weak of a mind do you have to have? (Weak Quotes)
Oh how the passions, insolent and strong, Bear our weak minds their rapid course along; Make us the madness of their will obey; Then die and leave us to our griefs as prey (Weak Quotes)
I mistake the American people if they favor the odious doctrine that there is no such thing as international morality; that there is one law for a strong nation and another for a weak one (Weak Quotes)
People too weak to follow their own goals will always try to find a way to discourage yours (Weak Quotes)
That which is usually called dotage is not the weak point of all old men, but only of such as are distinguished by their levity (Weak Quotes)
I love you. I go weak when you touch me, I laugh at your jokes when they’re not funny, and I take every chance I can get to talk to you (Weak Quotes)
Thank you for taking my weak imagination into account when choosing your outfit (Weak Quotes)
Forgiving someone doesn’t make you weak, but rather it makes you strong enough because you understand that everyone makes mistakes (Weak Quotes)
Success never resides in the world of weak wishes, but in the palace of purposeful plans and prayerful persistence (Weak Quotes)
Strong people make just as many mistakes as weak people do. The difference is, strong people admit their mistake and learn from it (Weak Quotes)
You don’t forgive people cause you’re weak, but because you’re strong enough to understand people make mistakes (Weak Quotes)
Forgiving someone for hurting you does not mean you are weak. It means you wise enough to move on and not put time an energy towards something that is not benefiting you (Weak Quotes)
Every man is actually weak, and apparently strong. To himself, he seems weak; to others, formidable (Weak Quotes)
Optimism... is neither weak nor naive. It can be tough and pure and earned just as clearly as any brooding existential despair (Weak Quotes)
When you’re sad, smile. When you’re happy, laugh. When you’re weak, stay strong (Weak Quotes)
Success is not for the weak and uncommitted... Sometimes it’s gonna hurt! (Weak Quotes)
Experience informs us that the first defense of weak minds is to recriminate (Weak Quotes)
Crying doesn’t indicate that you’re weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive (Weak Quotes)
Giving up doesn’t indicate that you are weak. It means you’ve held on to something so long, and you couldn’t keep holding on. And for that, you have strength (Weak Quotes)
You’ve had an extremely weak euro on the foreign exchange markets, you’ve had a very dubious policy being followed (Weak Quotes)